
Bang-on BV!

You Yanks sure got your heads on straight when it comes to your fish. Thanks from all of us Canucks up here who benefit from your fisheries initiatives.
These issues take vision and faith. Not just individual issues. A "win" for recreational fishermen is a "win" for the entire community. Hopefully our wins will be a win for the entire recreational fishing. As I said before, if the highway iis in a complete state of disrepair, you fix the highway; in the long term you don't just lower the speed limit to adjust to road conditions.

In the past, the Department of Fisheries (DOF) have taken the path of least resistance and because recreational fishermen have not spoken strongly either because they were busy fishing, working or with their families or all three and many rulings went against them. IMO, I find it both encouraging and remarkable that some extremely dedicated people have come forward to put our wishes and interests before decision makers. I hope the days of rulings because of fragmented or lack of representation are well behind us. There is a lot of work to do. Again, I say, when I walk into a meeting and it is full of businesses profiting from recreational fishing (marinas, mechanics, grocery stores, hotels, B&Bs, guides etc.) in addiion to recreational fishermen and we send a unified message to Ottawa, that will be one of my proudest moments. If there are systemic issues they will be addressed. Please bring them to the attention of the Coalition and they will be dealt with. We live in a democracy and those who don't or can't get involved, that's ok. The coalition membership is growing and it is still in its infancy. The Coalition needs strong people.
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Mabey slanderous was the right word but mabey malicious. I ment creating harm in the way that bascially most people dont get involved. MABEY they open and read thread talking about conservation or a lobby effort. But most come on here to find where when and how the fish are being caught. It takes alot of effort to get people even just to listen to a cause never mind supporting it. As soon as there is contention and debate it scares people off. This is the harm I see your posts doing. There is only so much some can say before it just comes trollish. Just the way you word things like saying things like 'its right on there website!'. Unless someone goes threw this whole thread they might not understand what you are referencing to and you are making it sound like something is wrong or a problem. The only problem is the ones you have which youve stated repeatedly. I think we get you dont like to support things that are not within your 'region', that is your prerogative.

In this case with the problems where having with dfo and decisions being made in Ottawa, with the lack of any non affiliated government group doing anything to stop the crippling of the sportfishery in bc whether its 20km or a 100 or 200 km away I dont think makes a difference, its in MY region. The whole west coast and part of states I would consider my region. If you dont want to consider a area 45 minute boat ride away from you fine.
To those who have issues with the initial regional identity of SVIAC.

If you feel passionately about being left out as you see it, and can’t bring yourself to support an anglers and pacific fish advocacy organization still in its infancy whose goals are to grow and to benefit all BC anglers, fresh and salt water and our fish; then start up an angler’s coalition specific to your area. You can then work in affiliation with SVIAC possibly leading to the establishment of a BC Anglers Coalition/amalgamation at a future date.

Rather than imply criticism of those who have already explained logically and precisely why some initial boundary limits were put in place, that would seem a more worthy and honorable goal. All it would take is many thousands of hours of volunteer work and a lot of money, some of it yours.

If you would like to make the effort, there are those from SVIAC who I know would be willing to offer you advice and encouragement. You should expect not to have much in the way of free time for the first few years.

So there you have it, Rockfish nailed it! For those of you who don't like the 'temporary' name of SVIAC (because they do plan to expand overtime), don't just poke holes or re-state obvious agruments over and over - start your own regional rec. anglers lobbying group and join forces with other like minded groups when and where you wish.

The bottom line is what we have been doing up to now has obviously NOT worked well enough and we MUST do more. The 'more' we need in many people's mind is to LOBBY all levels of govt. for more abundant healthy fish for ALL sectors to enjoy. So either join us, or start your own group, but whatever you do something more that makes a bigger difference than in the past, or the fish and the angling we all love could be lost to future generations.

To a growing number of people it is high time to STOP the infighting and nitpicking over small issues and start seeing the BIG PICTURE and unite to be a powerful force to bring postive change for the salt and freshwater fish and fisheries in BC!
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So there you have it, Rockfish nailed it! For those of you who don't like the 'temporary' name of SVIAC (because they do plan to expand overtime), don't just poke holes or re-state obvious agruments over and over - start your own regional rec. anglers lobbying group and join forces with other like minded groups when and where you wish.

Cool. I haven't been kicking up too much of a fuss about this since I consider myself a ECVI, SVI and WCVI fisherman. Say an ECVI anglers coalition was formed; how many of you SVI guys would be lined up to donate to the cause?
J-Global, what I got out of the first meeting back in November was that there was a huge mountain to climb to obtain the lofty goals of conserving the pacific fish stocks for recreational anglers alike. To start off as an all encompassing coast wide or nation wide group right off the bat seems unrealistic and asking to fail. The questions you bring up about the name itself, I believe, were mentioned to be one of the possible hurdles along the way. The group has a good short term plan in place as stepping stones toward a long term goal. I like the modest beginnings of the group and think it is the best way to work towards those goals.

I have fished nearly my whole life but have only been smitten by it for the last few years. I'm tired of hearing all the local seasoned anglers complain about declining size and numbers of fish. This happens to be one small way that I can make a difference, yes as a SVI angler, for the three little salmon gobblers that I've begun to show how to fish. I do agree that the web site needs more work and that there should be some fine tuning but that's exactly why a (less than 1/2 a year old) group like this has an annual general meeting. I hope in the future that they might hold more topic specific open meetings for concerned members and have more fundraising events like the Banana Challenge that this site has been kind enough to let them be a part of.
.................. As soon as there is contention and debate it scares people off. This is the harm I see your posts doing. There is only so much some can say before it just comes trollish. Just the way you word things like saying things like 'its right on there website!'. Unless someone goes threw this whole thread they might not understand what you are referencing to and you are making it sound like something is wrong or a problem. The only problem is the ones you have which youve stated repeatedly. I think we get you dont like to support things that are not within your 'region', that is your prerogative..................

OK, I read the whole thread and I have to disagree with this. Honestly, IMHO this is exactly what this cause needs. I have been rather impressed with the arguments and feel people from both sides have done an admirable job expressing there own perspectives to a "common" fight. If reading this thread "scares" some folks off, then I would suspect that those same people would cancel showing to a meeting because it might rain.

I`m feeling more optimistic after reading this than I`ve felt possibly ever before..... enough to finally join this site at least. And I will certainly be watching with great interest and hope that this cause finally gets the support it truly deserves and needs. We`ve all been waiting way too long to unite.

Is that a light on the horizon i see?

Rod Watson :)
If you fish outside the SVI area and that is keeping you from considering membership at this time, I think the board is fine with that. At that point why not just sign off with " However, while i will not going to join at this time, I will be be following your progress and wish you the very best and do hope that your plans go better than planed and you expand to include my area sooner than later. Best of luck, thank you for caring". That is how you say no thank you.
Holmes, email them directly as I don't think the directors are following this much these days. They are busy getting organized for Thursday night.
OK, I read the whole thread and I have to disagree with this. Honestly, IMHO this is exactly what this cause needs. I have been rather impressed with the arguments and feel people from both sides have done an admirable job expressing there own perspectives to a "common" fight. If reading this thread "scares" some folks off, then I would suspect that those same people would cancel showing to a meeting because it might rain.

I`m feeling more optimistic after reading this than I`ve felt possibly ever before..... enough to finally join this site at least. And I will certainly be watching with great interest and hope that this cause finally gets the support it truly deserves and needs. We`ve all been waiting way too long to unite.

Is that a light on the horizon i see?

Rod Watson :)

oh no!!

I try to keep my posts inspiring positive energy to and keep the negative people at bay. I have a hard time trying to explain what I mean. In general if one person starts throwing stones people are like sheep and just follow suit just for the hell of it, I didnt want that to happen. I like profishers example of how not to support, over the small continuous nitpicking. I would like to see all us rec fisherman united no matter what municipality your standing on.

But on the other hand Im glad you are inspired! and hope you can make it out the meeting on Thursday. even tho if it rains im sure some lazy people will stay home lol.
Welcome to the Forum Rod Watson and thanks for the kind and inspiring words!

I ask only that you and others - who are equally frustrated as we (the Founders/Directors of the AC) are with the continuous digression of our public fisheries at the hands of inept government - be patient with us as we work hardto 'build & tweak' this exciting new machine designed to benefit ALL which depends on the fisheries resources. (READ: Anglers; F/N; Commies; Orca's; Bear's; Eagles; Otters; Minks; Forests etc.)

We are determined to forge ahead, slowly and deliberately, while always mindful that we 'get this right' on the first try. If that means 'small-steps' in our own back yard to begin with - so be it.

Hope you can make the AGM Rod.

Terry Anderson
I've been reluctant to get involved in this 'dispute' up to now, but would like to share my thoughts. For those not willing to support just because of the name & implied intentions on the website, please think it through logically. Sure, in hindsight, I may agree that the name wasn't the best choice - what IS wrong with BC Anglers Coalition and Victoria just happens to be the starting hub, just like it is the government hub for all of BC? That said, whats done is done and we move forward - maybe it changes down the road, maybe it becomes one chapter under a large umbrella? Lets think logically though. The group isn't just fighting for the right to fish around Victoria. If there is positive change created from this, DFO isn't just going to say, ok, allocation is now 80 20 and Victoria gets to keep 2 halibut daily and the rest of the coast gets 1. Obviously any change that could occur from the Coalition lobbying will happen coast wide and will benefit Vancouver, Ucluelet, Parksville, Gold River, Port Hardy, Haida Gwai, yadda yadda yadda. DFO won't be 'partial' to us down here just because we are SVI, the changes will be up and down the coast.

Please use some logic here instead of bashing the name and vision as outlined on the website. Obviously any positive change will be a positive change for the whole coast and really, that should be the only thing that matters (to me anyway) in the grand scheme of things.
Deewar25, well said and I have said all I can say on the matter. Anything further would just be repeating myself and others who are on the same page. I hope to see many of you at the AGM on Thursday night at the Sheraton.
I am not sure why there is a debate about being part of this organization. I know there are qaulity, knowledgable, honest folks that are leading this effort. I am disgusted with DFO. I want change. It cost me $40.00 to go find out what being a member means. If I don't like what's going on, or its name, or anything else to do with improving the fishery for my children, I got a voice. I can make motions and I can vote. Don't join. Stay at home. Save your $40 bucks. I don't give a dam.
FINALLY people get amazing good on you deewar and others we need to call to arms sort of speakandto answer someone earlier if it was a port alberni coalition and they were fighting for the rights of fisherman there and the coast YOUR DAMN RIGHT ID JOIN that in a heart beat......

Great meeting tonight. A big thank you to Dr. Morton for her presentation with her latest work and the video. The video from the Cohen Commission when top DFO officials were called to answer questions is a real eye opener. Gary Cooper told Dr. Morton that he would get her video broadcasted on the networks he has connections with. Hopefully the public has their eyes opened when it airs.
Great meeting tonight. A big thank you to Dr. Morton for her presentation with her latest work and the video. The video from the Cohen Commission when top DFO officials were called to answer questions is a real eye opener. Gary Cooper told Dr. Morton that he would get her video broadcasted on the networks he has connections with. Hopefully the public has their eyes opened when it airs.

A very well done & moving video. I have the live link and will post if I get permission from Anissa first - otherwise, it should be uploaded to youtube within a week. Support these women everybody, they care, and they are out there hands on trying to fix the governments mess!
The biggest problem we face is a corrupt government that is willing to lie to the public and mussel our scientists and do everything they can to publicly deny the findings of all these scientists and doctors in the name of protecting this scum industry. Goes to show what kind of a crazy mess our country is in. The owners of this country are clearly not interested in doing anything to protect wild salmon. They own invested interest in farmed fish and would rather all the sheep go and buy their horrific version of a farmed salmon from a grocery store. A government department with the mandate to protect one of the greatest resources if not the greatest resource that our part of the world has ever had is in the most massive conflict of interest. The DFO has failed their mandate and the Canadian people completely and are responsible for being in bed with the fish farm industry. Clearly one of the greatest man made threats ever to wild salmon.
In all the year ive been to meeting etc this meting was by far the best ive ever been to and informative the SVI is going to make a diiference and personally back them 100% and all of us on this forum should as well , there vision is very clear and wish the nah sayers could have made it down to see what its really all about.
I too learned valuable info which made me want these group even more....

Dr Mortons movie for a better part was AMAZING true facts from all fields and was direct and to the point, if you get a chance to view it PLEASE DO and afterwards im sure you will want to join in on the fight its long but man is it ever good.
maybe see it again soon.

In all the year ive been to meeting etc this meting was by far the best ive ever been to and informative the SVI is going to make a diiference and personally back them 100% and all of us on this forum should as well , there vision is very clear and wish the nah sayers could have made it down to see what its really all about.
I too learned valuable info which made me want these group even more....

Dr Mortons movie for a better part was AMAZING true facts from all fields and was direct and to the point, if you get a chance to view it PLEASE DO and afterwards im sure you will want to join in on the fight its long but man is it ever good.
maybe see it again soon.


For viewing, I can't release it on forum at this time - she requested wait until youtube for the abbreviated version. I you want to watch now, send me a PM and I can send it to you (only if I know u from the community though). Anissa also said they will be at stall 287 at the TradEx today through Sunday as well if you want to stop and visit.
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