Tales From The Tyee Pool......2012...

Holy silver spoons Batman........the Thulin family goes crazy in the Tyee Pool.

Although not up on the site yet there were four Tyee registered last nite, three of which were rowed by Mark Thulin, one for his son and two for his dad, including the largest fish to date, a 42 1/2 pounder.
He's definitely good for the Daily Double and if there was an award for the Daily Triple he'd be in good shape for that too.
All taken on spoons, totally against the usual flow where plugs generally account for the bulk of the fish.
Here's the link to the catch record page again so you can check yourselves.


Take care.
Thanks for the updates Dave... very cool fishery. Would love to try it one day
Just a quick update:

Two Tyee came in this morning, a 31 and a 32.
Now 18 registered (I think) with some more to come.
I've got some pics and stuff to share but right now I'm off to a work party doing some maintenance on
Kingfisher Creek.
Bushwacking at its finest too as it's one prickly overgrown mess in some places. LOL

Take care.
As threatened here are a few pics from the past couple of days.

First pic shows the entrance to the Clubhouse when I arrived. None of the military were there as yet so some organization was done and we waited for them while exchanging pleasantries.


Wasn't long before our guests started arriving and greetings were offered, beers were consumed, snacks were served and matchups made with rowers and rodholders getting together.


I felt safer knowing this gal was looking out for our interests too.
I didn't realize until the CHEK news story that several of the guests including Shelley here were navy types or I would have been more agressive in meeting them, being an old navy guy myself, but the world unfolds in strange ways sometimes.


AS fate would have it we had more rowers than rodholders so I didn't row the afternoon shift at all but was advised that I could be used in the evening, so I lined up with the other boats and we hooked up with our rodholder for the evening. That's my old scow first in line. LOL


Rest of the lineup to follow.

Take care.

All in all it seemed to go well although ironically, despite 50 or so boats out that nite nobody nailed a Tyee.
It was also, without doubt, the loudest and most boisterous nite ever out there as many rodholders were well lubricated by then for the evening row.
I ended up rowing a fellow from Lethbridge who wasn't involved in the military day activities at all it turned out.
And just so you get a bit of a feel for a busy nite out, this is what you see when you approach the corner of the bar at the north end of the pool. All you need to do is find a slot, avoid any line entanglements, keep your plug or spoon working and then, if you do get a strike you must somehow get your butt outside so everyone else can continue fishing.
It can be a little intimidating at times, but mostly congeniality reigns. LOL


Finally, here's my Rookie Rower hat awarded after my pal registered his 35 pounder Tuesday nite.



Take care.
Last year while Dave rowed me in the Tyee Pool I couldn't help but notice a pink thong at my feet near the Transom with a half empty bottle of JD beside it. I didn't say anything as it was early and would have been awkward but I wasn't sure if it was something Dave wore when no one was around, or anglers previous to myself were a kinky bunch. After learning that the real name of Dave's boat is "JJ's" I'm starting to put 2 and 2 together, however. The bottom line is Dave is a very accomodating host who goes to no limit to ensure the enjoyment of the many friends he rows in the Tyee Pool. And good on ya for rowing one buddy!
Who said lightning never strikes twice???

Yesterday I got a call from Francis at the clubhouse asking if I had a rodholder for Sunday nite yet.
I hadn't called anyone as yet (yesterday) for tonite so allowed as to how I might be available. LOL
She had a gal pal coming to visit who would like to give it a try she said.
No problem says I, I'll see her at 7:00 PM Sunday nite.

So tonite we met and tonite she sat in a rowboat for the first time in her life and tonite she became a new member of the Tyee Club of BC. Good going Janice Tanche.

Apparently I have a special knack for finding fish for first-timers or something, although my many failures with other first-timers may indicate otherwise. Got a hot plug too as it's got three fish so far, two being Tyees.

I'll have a pic for tomorrow but for now I'm proud to announce my second rowed Tyee of the year is in the books.
Barely. LOL


Bing, the weighmaster wouldn't give me 31 lbs but allowed 30 1/2, which is good to go so we took it.

In addition to mine there was a 33 pounder, three undersizes and three or more fish lost tonite as the bite was on for sure.

More later.

Take care.
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Veddy veddy good sir ;)
Now you are no longer a RR Dave!!

On a related note.... Saw pic of a 41.5 a youngster caught off the pier today, nearly bigger than him!
Actually, I had planned on getting that 41.5 pounder myself last nite but then that darn kid got it first. grin...

Nothing for me last nite even with another rookie first timer on the rod.

I'm must be losing my touch. LOL

Weather permitting my buddy is rowing me tonite as I've not been on the rod at all so far and I'd like a shot at getting one myself.


Take care.
Nothing for me last nite but the results from this morning have left me ever hopeful.

With Dad Mark Lagos on the oars and son Owen Lagos on the rod a 43 pounder was subdued this AM which is now top fish for the season.

Oh, and Owen is only eight years old too......................eight years old!!

Damn kids!!!! [grin]

A smaller one was registered this AM also as I found out when I spotted three guys all drinking a beer at 9:00 AM in the Clubhouse. LOL

I'm booked solid now until after the weekend but will call a couple of you guys next week.

Take care.
Here's a pic of the lucky young man that caught the 43 pounder this morning.

That thing looks bigger than him. LOL


Take care.
I met the young fellow tonite after a fruitless go around in the pool and he showed me the blister on his finger he got from trying to brake the fish's runs this morning.

I did my best to have sympathy for him.

Take care.
Hey Guys,

First of all, you guys have probably the coolest fishery ever in the Tyee Pool!

My wife, baby and I are from Victoria and coming up there with my boat for the weekend to meet up with my parents who are sailing there way back down from the Great Bear Rainforest. We are staying over on Quadra for the weekend. My boat isn't suited for the TYEE POOL(16.5' Harbercraft) but the dinghy from my folks sailboat and a standup paddle board would be I figure.

Our plan is to skip over for the first light bite and give it a good try!

So, my question is....is it legal to fish from a standup paddle board in the Tyee Pool(with a rod holder and net on deck)? Have you ever seen anyone try this there?!

Well, if you see a guy paddling around saturday, sunday or monday morning and hopefully getting towed around the pond by a monster, you'll know it's me!

Thanks, Andrew

I am now studying up on the rules and techniques. Quite excited for the chance to give it a try!