Strategy for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales

Are we watching a real-time extinction of southern resident killer whales?

"Evidence points to a lack of food — mainly chinook salmon — as a threat to the orcas’ survival. Underwater noise from shipping, ferries, commercial and recreational fishing boats, and whale watchers interferes with their ability to locate what little prey is available.

Six groups, including the Raincoast Conservation Foundation and the David Suzuki Foundation, asked the courts on Sept. 5 to compel the federal government to issue an emergency order under the Species at Risk Act to protect the southern residents and their main food source, chinook salmon.

The chinook are themselves in deep crisis. The Columbia River chinook are listed as endangered in the U.S., and last week Fisheries and Oceans Canada released data showing this season’s chinook returns in the Fraser River were well below the historical average.

The southern residents, too, are listed as endangered under the Species at Risk Act. The next status after endangered is “extirpated,” meaning they are reproductively non-viable, or dead. Ottawa is taking public input on the Species at Risk Act recovery strategy for northern and southern resident killer whales until Nov. 3.

Earlier this year the litigating groups asked Ottawa to curtail sport fishing and whale watching in critical feeding areas. The government responded by reducing the chinook catch by 25 to 35 per cent and increasing the buffer zone for whale watching to 200 metres.

Parts of the most important foraging areas in the Gulf Islands and the Strait of Juan de Fuca were closed to all fishing and partial closures were implemented at the mouth of the Fraser River.

“Since the death of three whales, including J50, we have upped our ask,” said Misty MacDuffee, a biologist for Raincoast. “Now we want the closure of all marine-based commercial and sport chinook fisheries.”

The groups are also calling for a full ban on whale watching for the southern residents.

Up to two dozen whale-watching vessels follow the group daily in their main feeding areas on the Salish Sea, she said."
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View attachment 40804 View attachment 40803 Please send your comments to SARA/ by November 3rd, 2018.

Notice the date span on the data maps.
Great point - 34 RKW encounters on LaPerouse over a 40 year period, and about half are the NRKW which is doing quite well (increasing 3% each y/y). DFO also stated they did place another Passive Acoustic Monitor somewhere out on LaPerouse this summer, but has yet to analyze the data - yet we are going full steam ahead with very limited data in a mad rush to get this area declared Critical Habitat before the lack of science catches up with them and confirms what many fishers with over 50 years on the water experience tell us - that RKW are rarely out there using the so called "critical habitat." I guess the definition of CH is that is any place where a killer whale might have swam over a 40 year period. Seems to be sketchy science to me, yet disregarding that to be effective; management measures aimed at achieving successful recovery must take place in a way and areas where it will actually achieve the desired outcome. Ready, Shoot, Aim....we need better science than this.
I dont rhink the paranoia is warranted The announcement will not be closures, it's about wild salmon. They arent going to announce that while feedback is still coming in on critical habitat areas, and not in October. It's an election year, it will be liberals spreading some money for some habitat or other initiatives.
I dont rhink the paranoia is warranted The announcement will not be closures, it's about wild salmon. They arent going to announce that while feedback is still coming in on critical habitat areas, and not in October. It's an election year, it will be liberals spreading some money for some habitat or other initiatives.

Time to buy votes
I dont rhink the paranoia is warranted The announcement will not be closures, it's about wild salmon. They arent going to announce that while feedback is still coming in on critical habitat areas, and not in October. It's an election year, it will be liberals spreading some money for some habitat or other initiatives.

For once I agree with you.
I dont rhink the paranoia is warranted The announcement will not be closures, it's about wild salmon. They arent going to announce that while feedback is still coming in on critical habitat areas, and not in October. It's an election year, it will be liberals spreading some money for some habitat or other initiatives.
Hmmm I wonder if any spending will be contingent on the Liberals being re elected? We commit x amount of dollars in our post election budget! Lol
Hmmm I wonder if any spending will be contingent on the Liberals being re elected? We commit x amount of dollars in our post election budget! Lol
Why, liberals arent shy about borrowing money and deficit spending. Bribing us with borrowed money is a time tested tactic of all political parties.
They both suck it wouldn't matter what party is in power. This isn't political it has to do again with same DFO managers at the top. They are always there regardless of government. That is the problem.

I find that hard to believe given the amount of baby boomers that have retired in the department in the last 5-10 years. The next 5-10 years will probably see the remaining ones leave.

As someone said on a different form but I tend to agree with based on what I have herd in the department is.

"Finally all over North America there has been a steady change in the sort of people who manage the resource for our use. No longer predominately sympathetic anglers, 'fisherman' no longer have an interest in biology, ecology or conservation as they feel catch and release has given them a moral pass, most are now environmentalists or sympathetic to that philosophy. They no longer cut anglers kindly slack."
They both suck it wouldn't matter what party is in power. This isn't political it has to do again with same DFO managers at the top. They are always there regardless of government. That is the problem.

Election comes new government and guess what same people at the top with those same policies.
Sounds like a swamp that needs to be drained. Lol
Why, liberals arent shy about borrowing money and deficit spending. Bribing us with borrowed money is a time tested tactic of all political parties.
Not shy about buying votes either which is why many promises kick in after the next election. If you want it, you have to vote for us. Liberals are particularly adept at this strategy.