Monday Magazine ( has an article on sea lice and fish farms with info from Alexandra Morton. Its a good read. I.I.
Around 2600 members on this forum, say maybe 10% are out of the country and maybe another 10% have double id or something.
Out of 2000 members only 36 seem to get involved in our fight against fishfarming. That is 1.8% and its friggin upsetting.


It makes my blood boil knowing theres people out there too "comfortable" ( is that a nice word for lazy or what?) to get off their buts and raise their voice.:(
ONLY UNITED WE STAND Im sure you heard this one before and you know its true. Say nothing and let the issue resolve on its own doesn't seem to work. So boys and gals out there lets unite our fronts and see if that makes a difference, the more voices the louder the noise we're gonna make.


send thy info to Terry and dont be a stranger.

If you think this is not your fight you might be in for rude awakening.

Sorry for the rant. Now have at it. Grrrrrrr

"Never had the voices of so few, been heard like thunder above by so many. It was them, those men and women with fishing-rods in their hands, that turned it all around."

Times Colonist: March 30, 2010

The 'Alliance' stands at: 37
Terry :
How do the Fishing Lodge Owners feel about this issue?
It definitly effects their buisness and Livelyhoods.
Millions of $$$$ invested in these Lodges not to mention the $$$$
generated by their opperations.

Fighting For the Future
Yours in Fishing
ps: I have sent you my e-mail
fishing lodges, tackle stores, marinas etc.

In fact I'm thinking you should talk to the guys down at cheanuh and get a first nations vote of involvment. Without sport fishing that whole marina would be empty and a lot of their cash flow would die off. Plus 1st nations involvment looks great in the press.
quote: Around 2600 members on this forum, say maybe 10% are out of the country and maybe another 10% have double id or something.
Out of 2000 members only 36 seem to get involved in our fight against fishfarming. That is 1.8% and its friggin upsetting.

Gypseas: I understand your anger but if you look throught the threads you will notice that of all the 2600 entrants probably only 10% actually post regularly. 36 out of those is 14%. That's not too bad for a start....
I just e-mailed the link to this site to:
Sullivan Bay Marina Resort
Greenway Sound Marina Resort
Shawl Bay Marina Resort
Pierres Bay Marina Resort
Echo Bay Marina Resort
Windsong Marina Resort
Sunds Lodge
Murphys Sportfishing
minister of agriculture Bell was defending fish farms on the noon
He says the 300 $$ million + industry is falling under acceptable
parameters for disease,drug use and waste.
guess he's not on side [xx(]
VICTORIA - Two new reports say escapes from B.C. fish farms were up in 2006 and farms had sea lice levels that were below accepted standards.

The reports were released today by Agriculture Minister Pat Bell, who says the aquaculture industry in B.C. works under the toughest standards in the world.

One report says there were 11 escapes in 2006 involving 19,000 farmed salmon, against just 64 fish the previous year, but it also says the farms had a nearly perfect record when complying with provincial rules.

A companion fish health report based on 108 farm audits, found disease levels within norms and sea lice levels were, on average, below accepted levels.

Bell says he expects the government's promised aquaculture management plan, with a focus on the protection of B.C.'s wild salmon stocks, will be ready by March.

A report issued last year by an NDP-dominated committee called for a freeze on new fish farms on the north coast and a move to closed containment systems.
quote:I for one hav'nt joined your fight because I know a few people that depend on farming to raise there familys

I'm sure the same could be said for wild salmon, I bet you know 1 or 2 people that make a living from wild salmon as well?

quote:I also see fish plants,water taxes,truckers and all sorts of spinoff jobs coming to our island thanks to farming.

Good point, but wild salmon and farmed salmon both create jobs. The thing is wild salmon and sport fishing in particular are of far greater economic importance to our province then fish farming is.

The amount of jobs dependent on wild salmon far out weigh those tied to fish farming. Not to mention most of the money stays in BC not funnelled offshore to a foreign company.

In 1996 a study concluded that a single sport caught chinook was worth over $600 to the economy.
I'm sure that figure is higher more then 10 years later with smaller returns.

My response isn't intended to beat you up, just as a response to some of the points you brought up.

Let me ask you this, personal connection to the industry aside - do you actually believe that fish farms are not harming our wild fish?

Simple math

The trigger level for sea lice management is 3 motile per fish set by the DFO. This report states they checked 47 farm sites and 2,764 fish. There were 21 fish farms in the Broughton as of 2005. This report does not state which farms were sampled. Just 11 farm sites in the Broughton were sampled during 2006 for sea lice. To break it down further in the first Quarter 3 sites were tested, 5 the second quarter, 1 the third quarter and 2 the fourth. I'm guessing each salmon pen has around 50,000 to 80,000 Atlantic salmon in them with 3 nets per site. SO looking at the numbers even if each Atlantic salmon had
Say .525 sea louse per fish there is 102,375 Sea lice population per fish farm. Now the farms wont do anything until the population per fish farm hits somewhere around 720,000 sea lice. Not to say that sea lice don’t live anywhere from 50 to 225 day and can have as many as 3000 eggs per female. What's that 153,562,500 sea lice eggs per fish farm. (Based on 1/2 of 102,375 * 3000) even at a 30% survival rate for sea lice that still 46,068,750 sea lice production per farm WOW!!!!! I'm feeling sick at the moment. If I'm wrong please let me know.

C.S.; If it's of any consolation to you, I HAVE given great thought to the idea that WHEN the 'Alliance' sinks the fishfarms off our Coast once and for all - there will be a couple of thousand people</u> out of work. This is the downside of this initiative and it bothers me.

So... at our inagural meeting I am going to table an idea that we, the 'Alliance' formulate a workable plan we can present to Government that will help displaced fishfarm workers make an easier transition into another vocation, ie., Government grants for school, extended UI/EI benefits, sponsored training for new jobs like working for THE D.F.0. DOING HABITAT RESTORATION/ENHANCEMENT WORK SO OUR BELEAGUERED WILD SALMON HAVE HALF A CHANCE TO MAKE A COMEBACK.

I for one, would even entertain the idea that a $5-dollar Fishfarmer Rehabilitation Levy(?) be added to our fishing licences to help you all make an easier transition.

Gimp, your endless passion in this scrape is evident; I read some of your posts on that Creative Salmon forum. A seasoned warrior. Good on ya'...

The 'Alliance' stands at: 40

quote:Government grants for school, extended UI/EI benefits, sponsored training for new jobs

This is already in place for every single person on UI/EI - I personally received $30,000 for school and living expenses to retrain for my current career and I never had to repay a single cent.

Its been in place for decades, its just most people on EI are too lazy to jump through the hoops to make it happen.
Ms. Morton's post on here also made a connection between recent low Fraser sockeye numbers and the growing number of fish farms in the Campbell River area. It is much more than just a Broughton pink issue. Job losses can be minimized and employment may even increase by building closed-containment systems on shore.
quote:I dont care much about the humpys in the Broughton getting killed off from lice,I do care ALOT about

What a stupid statement! If you want to argue at that level, ok, I do not care for your couple of buddies employed by fish farms, but I do care A LOT about one of the greatest Canandian natural resource: our five species of pacific salmon.