HEY LH! I'd say from Svens post, we are already winning. I am anxious to get the ball rolling. If we need meeting space, drop me a line I may be able to help. It is obvious that word of our group has gotten out there.

Thanks I.I. Yeah, our first meeting won't be far off. So you just might be called upon.

I'm posting on 3 separate forums now.

There's a new developement in the offing that could be very-big for us. I'll keep you all posted as it unfolds.

The 'Alliance' stands at: 54

Hey sven: Thank's for your input. The walls are closing in. From your previous posts it's easy to see where your coming from. Why don't you just eat farmed fish instead of contributing to the demise of the sports fishery.;) eman
Hey guys, just read the forum. I'm all fired up about this and jumping in with both feet. I live in the southern interior of bc but I have a boat and have been fishing both coasts of the island as well as the mainland for 20 yrs. I have lots of family in Nanaimo and Qualicum so I'm there fishing 10-12 times a year. Terry I fired you off an email 15 mins ago with my info.
Hey Terry,

If you ever need me to give any MP's (directly on their desk) here in Ottawa any documents or petitions etc. Feel free to send em this way and I can drop em off as I work on Parliament.


Thanks Dave! First we'll see what kind of a splash we can
make here on the Coast.

Some good 'stuff' in the works.

The 'Alliance' stands at: 59

All i can say is people like little hawk p me off,their is know sience to pruve to me that fish farms destroy salmon fishing on our coasts and as for Ms marton see has an honorary biology degee not one she went to school for,until there is 100% pruff i'll stay out of somthing i know little about.
Ya i'm bad at typing but i still stand by what i said was this alittle better guys!!!

Welcome aboard SFBC Old Steely!

Your input here is ALWAYS welcome, regardless of which side of the fence you are on and regardless of your level of command of the language.

If you haven't discovered it yet, you soon will, fishfarming is spat-upon by the vast majority on this forum.

I personally, detest it, and my ambition is to - Sink them!

If you truly care about Wild Pacific Salmon, you may want to take it
upon yourself to look into the net-pen industry's practices and how they impact our marine ecology and Wild Salmon. There's tons of stuff out there you can read about it. Then you can make an informed choice to support it or not.

It is my firm belief, Old Steely, that we - the people of British Columbia - are at a crossroads with this whole thing. It is time to choose between one or the other, because if we carry on with this disasterous net-pen thing, we will - soon enough - not have the other.

I choose the Wild Fish!

The 'Alliance' busted 60 today!

'Sink the Fishfarms!'

Ok have any of you been to a fish farm? i have and no im not in that industry .I was watching them harvest fish and did not see all that many sea lice i whish i did then all i was reading and hearing in the news would have made sence but i did not so im a little doubtfull on this sea lice thing.

But i think we better look in to how warm our waters are 5 to 6 degrees warmer then normal ocean servival over fishing by the commercial fleet big one guys !!!and there are so many more that i can't type that fast or i'll be here for ever so before i go and kill an industry before i know all the facts i'll wait and see(for awhile).
So you want to wait "for a while"? By that time the salmon stocks will be at a point of no return. I have been on a fish farm. As most of you know (maybe not old steely man) when the fry come out of the rivers to the oceans, they follow the shoreline (where the fish farms are located) out of the inlets. I watched a whole school of fry get eaten by the atlantics in the pens when they swam through the net...not a single one came out the other side. Whether there are sea lice in there or not (which I believe there are), that alone is bad enough!