Strategy for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales

Vote BLUE in 2019... Best way to stop this **** show. The Libs dont have a majority with out BC.

Voting NDP could mean a minority government, which would make this mess worse
$61.5M rescue plan unveiled to help endangered orcas
And…..hard to believe...but...
“Wilkinson said the government is also continuing to investigate the possibility of adding a new critical habitat area off the coast of southwestern Vancouver Island, where the whales are known to feed and socialize.”
I guess there is no chance they will reconsider the existing useless closed for fishing areas!
I notice the article does state "further restrictions are being considered for 2019"
pretty much a guarantee it will happen.
I think we all need to stay optimistic and continue to make recommendations with solutions vs throwing up the white flag. It would be a mistake to close areas and boost salmon enhancement along with other things all at once. How could they measure the success of each if all were launched at the same time. It's my opinion to launch the salmon enhancement of stream restoration and hatchery investment wait 3-4 years to view return numbers mean while monitor the health of the southern residents making sure they are maintaining during this wait and see time to evaluate the success rate of that campaign. Also implementing the 400 meter buffer around the killer whales is a must to help reduce acoustic noise. Remember Nov 3rd is cut off to write in, every letter counts.
Good meeting with the Minister, lead by the BC Chamber of Commerce. Great opportunity to discuss strategies to achieve a balance between protecting whales while finding responsible actions that allow recreational fishing opportunity that contributes significantly to Canada's economy and small coastal communities.

We were invited to develop follow-up advice on gaps in the science advice employed to propose the Critical Habitat extension, and also to provide further ideas on alternatives to the current management measures in place. Minister provided a frank overview on the legal and political issues, particularly the SARA process.

I hear people getting frustrated that there appears to be nothing happening to address the use of intentionally fake news to vilify recreational fishing. We are working carefully to develop other strategies to responsibly advance the value of the recreational and commercial fisheries to build a broader base of support - which I'm not going to detail here for obvious reasons.
Until the DFO addresses this nothing else will matter.

A juvenile herring covered with sea lice, Hot Springs Cove, 2018. Photo: Living Oceans Society handout. [PNG Merlin Archive] PNG
Until the DFO addresses this nothing else will matter.

A juvenile herring covered with sea lice, Hot Springs Cove, 2018. Photo: Living Oceans Society handout. [PNG Merlin Archive] PNG

ITs also something that currently a bunch of ENGO's are spending thousands of dollars on to stop. Not only that but there is many campaigns out there that sportfishing and commercial fishing groups have signed onto.

How much time do you want our sports fishing groups to spend on this file?
While there have been calls for a ban on chinook salmon fishing, he said the government “hasn’t gone there yet.”

“We’ll certainly be looking at the needs of the southern resident killer whales and trying to ensure balancing economic issues with environmental issues,” he said.

Which means we will still be fishing. Don't count on sky is falling yet. Lots of people working on it at high level with the government directly face to face. We have to wait and see. I think it will be ****** next year in some areas ( but can't guarantee) but if your flexible with your fishing options there still will be opportunities. We have to remain positive or the NGO groups win. We all know that what they propose won't work, and it is not addressing the problem which is we need more salmon enhancement. I will along with many others keep hammering this message.
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... The protected areas of Swiftsure in the Juan de Fuca Strait between Vancouver Island and Washington state, and Le Perouse Banks off Tofino, will be areas that the whales can call home, he said.

“We are in the process of consulting on those new critical habitat areas and expect to be able to move forward on them in the next couple of months,” he said. “We are also talking about creation of killer whale sanctuaries, which essentially are within the areas of critical habitat … which means that we can prohibit a range of different activities, not simply fisheries, where you can regulate that ships cannot go.”

His wording suggests that fisheries WILL be prohibited within the larger Critical Habitat Areas, not simply within any so-called sanctuary. Methinks those back east could give a Rat's Behind what these moves will do to any coastal communities that did not vote for them.

Have a look.
Not a single community adjacent and reliant upon these areas voted liberal.
This is blatant Punishment while attempting to appear to "be doing something" IMHO.
The old political 2 birds, one stone maneuver... :eek:

This is blatant Punishment while attempting to appear to "be doing something" IMHO.

It's not a punishment as much as it is playing to the Liberal Base (City folk). As my dad put it "I am tired of big city environmentalist/activist driving rural issues"
Here's a recent You Tube video with an interview with Dr. Andrew Trites, who explains in a straight forward fashion some of the issues and research regarding SRKW recovery. Good vid worth watching:

Everybody should watch this video. It's incredibly informative on shedding light on the challenges facing the SKRW and identifying several factors that are impacting them. Thanks for sharing Searun!
Lets not forget all the dam hard work our reps did for the last 2 go arounds with requesting COAs. Did Ott listen? Did the recommendations get implemented? Now we will be asked to more meetings to provide more ignored recommendations? WTH Wake up, it does not matter what sport fishermen do or recommend, we are their only target. Between this, FN issues, the hali scam, sport fishing is going away fast, we will be the dam species extinct. Call me cynical, I say realistic. Only answer I see comes Oct 19.

A few things to consider here in the latest round of announcements - honestly hope I'm wrong on some of them:

1) There will be a critical habitat announcement for La Perouse and Swiftsure - its all over the comments from the Ministers. 99.9% certain of that now - I predict an announcement on or before Dec 4 declaring the great decision to pronounce this as CH - Listen to the Minister's comments that La Perouse will be a new home for whales...a decision reached is what that says.

2) There will be more Critical Habitat proposals - coming to an area near you. My prediction is that will be a shocker for many people who never thought it would happen in their areas. Wait for it.

3) There will be "sanctuary" areas within those CH areas that are no-fly zones for any vessels - so not just the rec fishers this time around - impacting WW, rec and commercial vessel operators. Possibly a good thing if defined by true science - not the crap DFO developed to propose these areas as CH.

4) There will be more restrictions to the Rec fishery in 2019 - less is more.

5) These measures will be in place by May as stated by the Minister - I have said this at public meetings - the whole big rush by the SARA team to get the consultation period completed prior to December, was to set up for the IFMP process so we could get all the management measures into the IFMP which closes in February for input, and will be in place by April. Hmmm, a coincidence or??

6) The rec and commercial fishery is simply a bargaining chip to buy the support of the green ENGO groups and a largely unaware public that the Feds are doing something to offset or mitigate the impacts of the pipeline and tanker traffic - wait for it. We are a trade off.

7) The rec sector has done a very poor job getting out to the public and business leaders to tell our story and build public support. Yes, our story of how the fishery contributes a $billion each year to the economies of small coastal communities, families, real jobs. Not very sexy stuff - but true. All those values and benefits are simply cannon fodder and a cheap price to pay for a pipeline unless we can somehow create a broad base of public awareness and support demanding the government protect it.

8) The rec community is largely apathetic and an easy push - we will not launch legal suits, we won't protest, we don't even attend meetings...there were only 100 or so people at each of the public consultation meetings in Port Alberni and Ucluelet. No one in our sectors (commercial/recreational) seems to be stepping up...they are waiting for someone else to do it. And, we are fractured...pointing fingers at one other, at each sector, at anyone but ourselves. Yes there are people/organizations working behind the scenes to fight the good fight - they need people to step up and contribute to that fight financially, and to actually write into the SARA process, call your MP demanding action...but the silence is deafening. Curious - and hopeful - how many people have done one or more of those things?
Seriously, you are surprised?

The writing was on the wall this spring.

The Greens have been in Ottawa working this all summer.

The worse is yet to come.

A few things to consider here in the latest round of announcements - honestly hope I'm wrong on some of them:

1) There will be a critical habitat announcement for La Perouse and Swiftsure - its all over the comments from the Ministers. 99.9% certain of that now - I predict an announcement on or before Dec 4 declaring the great decision to pronounce this as CH - Listen to the Minister's comments that La Perouse will be a new home for whales...a decision reached is what that says.

2) There will be more Critical Habitat proposals - coming to an area near you. My prediction is that will be a shocker for many people who never thought it would happen in their areas. Wait for it.

3) There will be "sanctuary" areas within those CH areas that are no-fly zones for any vessels - so not just the rec fishers this time around - impacting WW, rec and commercial vessel operators. Possibly a good thing if defined by true science - not the crap DFO developed to propose these areas as CH.

4) There will be more restrictions to the Rec fishery in 2019 - less is more.

5) These measures will be in place by May as stated by the Minister - I have said this at public meetings - the whole big rush by the SARA team to get the consultation period completed prior to December, was to set up for the IFMP process so we could get all the management measures into the IFMP which closes in February for input, and will be in place by April. Hmmm, a coincidence or??

6) The rec and commercial fishery is simply a bargaining chip to buy the support of the green ENGO groups and a largely unaware public that the Feds are doing something to offset or mitigate the impacts of the pipeline and tanker traffic - wait for it. We are a trade off.

7) The rec sector has done a very poor job getting out to the public and business leaders to tell our story and build public support. Yes, our story of how the fishery contributes a $billion each year to the economies of small coastal communities, families, real jobs. Not very sexy stuff - but true. All those values and benefits are simply cannon fodder and a cheap price to pay for a pipeline unless we can somehow create a broad base of public awareness and support demanding the government protect it.

8) The rec community is largely apathetic and an easy push - we will not launch legal suits, we won't protest, we don't even attend meetings...there were only 100 or so people at each of the public consultation meetings in Port Alberni and Ucluelet. No one in our sectors (commercial/recreational) seems to be stepping up...they are waiting for someone else to do it. And, we are fractured...pointing fingers at one other, at each sector, at anyone but ourselves. Yes there are people/organizations working behind the scenes to fight the good fight - they need people to step up and contribute to that fight financially, and to actually write into the SARA process, call your MP demanding action...but the silence is deafening. Curious - and hopeful - how many people have done one or more of those things?
Well lets keep our fingers crossed, the meeting at Black Rock was well attended by Ucluelet locals, there were a couple out of town guys there and a couple good guys from a few organized groups. I was surprised that barely any out of town guides showed up for the meeting to be honest. But there's more at stake for a resident that lives and works here as well. I think I remember stating that at one time over the past years that if there were closures out of towners would pack up shop and move to the next location. Can't blame them but my point proven without roots in the community there not as dedicated to this fight. With that said most Ukee folks have written letters in and have attended local meetings. It's important that even if you don't live on the west coast if you like fishing it that you write a letter and get involved. Attending a DFO meeting and spending 30 minutes writing a letter is easy, the clocks ticking 2 days left. Thanks to those groups and folks who have been up to their elbows in this fight it doesn't go unnoticed. Lets hope they make a balanced approach and don't linch the sport sector. If this goes through it will continue to be a virus and will continue up the coast, I'm as guilty as many never thinking it would extend past the Sooke area and it's proposed and could. If you think your safe in Kyuquot and beyond think again it may only take a year or two. Don't make the mistake and not get involved spreading the word, writing letters and attending DFO meetings.
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UC, I'm struggling to understand the benefit of calling out local v non-local guides. We are all in this together (I hope). Many of the so called "non-local guides" that fish out of Ucluelet (many for over 30 years) attended the Port Alberni meeting along with me. Just saying we need to work together rather than driving personal wedges between one another here on a public forum of all places.

Myself and others are working very hard to support your local Chamber in this effort. For the record, I'm an "out of towner"...I guess you are asking me to pack up my efforts and go where they are appreciated?

I'm hoping you can agree that this effort is all about every recreational anglers fishery? This can't just about Ukee, would you agree? I'm also reminded every year that the majority of my guests are out of towners who come here to enjoy their fishery - not my fishery - its every Canadian's fishery and we are blessed to be able to participate in it.
Searun your right about sticking together and your efforts are appreciated. I was only hoping the line share of seasonal guys that guide out of Ukee would have been present in Ukee for that meeting sitting along side the year round guides. It was disappointing to see only a few seasonal guides present that make up the largest part of the Ukee guiding fleet is my point. How ever we did have a good showing and two folks were at the Coop getting signatures recently to make sure we as Canadian anglers have a voice in the house. This is about the entire east and west coast of BC. My point regarding excluded areas at this time for those folks planning to move their operation there or who currently fish there not to get complacent as many of us in Ukee did because the threat is here for all BC saltwater anglers. Some may figure its fear mongering to round up the troops but it’s no joke that’s for sure.

As far as local vs non local that’s old news I look forward to a united front. Didn’t mean to offend anyone. Just hoping to light a fire under some butts to at least get their letters in before Nov 3rd
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Wow, I wish you westcoastlers had been that fired up and anxious back when the South Island was thrown under the bus! But I heard mostly complaints from you about how the whale watchers weren't excluded too. Searun was only concerned about making these closures a scientifically valid experiment. Kind of sucks now when they start experimenting in your backyard, eh? And whether whale watchers are included or not is not that important anymore, right? Because you won't be fishing there regardless of what the whale guys do and that is important, correct? And we all know this is all BS and has nothing to do with real science and the orcas won't recover because of these alibi closures. Just saying. Maybe you want to look back at the position you took back then and wished you didn't. A little more support for SI back then would have certainly galvanized more support now.
calmsea I hear your frustration and sometimes certain events can unite folks for a common cause even if past opinions and efforts were different. Yes I do believe many of us should have gotten involved in a bigger way with the South Island closures that didn’t. With that said any chance of stopping and or reversing current closures a united front is the only way forward.