
Kelly : Going to assault Sangster Fri afternoon, overnight at Jedadia and hit it again Sat morn. What side have most of the fish been hit on?
Klob they werent lieing theres fish there. I hit it for a bit this morning and hooked 3. Took out a friends and we lost them all though. Had one about 20lbs in the net and he spit it and flipped out. Hit them all 150-160ft green/white hootchie. Hit them on the north end.Im still kind of learning the area theres a few reefs to keep an eye on. GPS helps or follow the other boats routes. Ill try again in the morn.
Hey klob when are you going over tommorrow? We tried this morning got 1/4 the way across and turned around. 20knots and 4-5 ft chop made it to tough.Forcast is for strong winds tommorow but well try it again
Fri afternoon, it has been calming down at night so we should hit evening bite and morning until it blows. Will be no 69ner. Just bought 24lbs of lead, ouch.:(
well i cant believe it but im happy to see it only blowin 25kmh. were headin out now till one give us a shout if your there.

Well it was slow had one fish on for a second at snagster 160ft on bottom. No bait around anymore so we went to ballenas and there was bait there but no fish. skkkkkkkunk
Tried fishing "Snagster" (love it) Fri aft. GPS malfunction plus sounder issues = lost gear. Broke off a nice one at French Creek, slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
14.5lb at Gerald this evening, 150 feet. It was full of 3" minnows. Lots of bait in the area.

Hey Kelly, I'm back and I left forty bucks in your tackle box for the net. Thanks for that, it came in handy. Nothing huge in the boat (27lb was the biggest) but lots of hali and non-stop action. Had a great time and I'll launch the boat tomorrow after a good cleaning. Gotta review this thread for the latest news. Bushy is recovering and don't know if he's up for a fish, but might try the "Big Rig" that Bearded clam left on the boat. I'll let you know. BRS
Took out Bushy for a boat ride and ended up dropping a line(surprise, surprise). Trolled the inside of Gerald, made about four passes and nothing so we went over to Ballenas and hooked on to nice one that almost made it in the net. The hook flew out about 10ft from the boat on the surface.I was down on bottom with green/white coyote at 140ft.Gotta return to work today so I don't know about getting out but I migt try to drop the traps. How's prawning been?
Still havent prawned i have been waiting for someone to tell me its decent before i bothered. How big of fish? Ballenas a week ago had unbelievable amounts of bait and some fish around and geralds slowed down. If you get a chance check sangster out.I went friday and it was slower than the 3 fish thurs but reports were good before that my buddy got a 30 and 25. Im out in the prarries for a bit ill be home for a few days next week then gone till aug 12th again. Thanks for the $$ and good to hear the trip was a success.
25 and 30 at Sangster, holy crap! Was that his limit for the day, nice. I gotta take out a buddy and his son tomorrow for a couple hours.A fish or two would be great, I'll wait to see what the weather is like before I decide where to go but it sounds like Sangster.
i was hitting them in 170-180ft of water 140-160 feet down. Green/white coyote and that hootchie thats worked all year. The guy with the 25 and 30 said that they had shiners in them. We fished in 20knot winds it wasnt fun and hard fishing never tried young pt
Fished Sangster yesterday morning on the bite. Was with a buddy and his 15 year old son who has never caught a salmon and unfortunately still has'nt. There was bait everywhere, on the surface and right to the bottom. I guess they were all full including the lingcod which I could'nt catch either. Beautiful morning though.
Hey Big Red, if those fish are feeding on three inch shiners maybe you should try Bushy's spring killer hooch. It worked for me up in W.H. the two times I used it & they all had tree inch shiners in thier bellys. Did the Big Rig work?
Hey Bearded Clam, I've tried the big rig twice and squat. I also tried Charlie's rig and sqat as well. I hooked a dogfish by the tail with a green and white and then finally Bushy landed a scrappy 12lber we're both having for dinner. It was Bushy's first salmon since April and he did a good job. I offered to take over for him but he managed by himself. It was blowin hard and it took us forever to get to Ballenas. We fished there for about 4 hours and only got the one. It was on black and white coyote at 140ft.Stopped on the way back and pulled the traps and took home a nice bag of prawns.How's everyting there? I'll bet you were a popular guy when you showed up with a nice haul of hali.Have you had any yet? We had the fresh stuff the next night and it was great.If you wanna get lucky do that recipie and she'll be all over you.Give me a call this week.There was a 28lb on the board from KTanna, he was at gerald and was using a hootchy.
Greg im back in bc for a week probaly fish tommorow. KT anna would catch a 28lber:D He gets a 26 so i get a 27 now he gets a 28:D Fishely close weights. When i get back mid aug i got two weeks of fishing all over. Bamfield,telegraph for sure and maybe one up to hardy.
kelly that kinda sounds like that one day where i catch a 10 lber and you catch a 25 right after i caught the 10....but for some reason you didnt have any pics of it... weird eh[:p]
Hey Kelly, let me know how you make out. I'm gonna try to get out thurs.am. but I might have to work early, last day of the month.Hey bearded clam, did you get any photos of salty beaver at WH? Told him I'd send some but don't have that many.
Sorry brs, I haven't even down loaded the pics yet.dont think I have that many pic's either but I will send what I have when I get a chance.