SFBC Braggarts Fishing Derby

Martin, thanks bud. We can make Pedder Bay the official weigh station and open to whatever else you want to have going on for the day, or any ideas that come up from members. I haven't done a thing and already things are shaping up. Anyone else that wants to donate items for prizes would be great. I still want the focus to be the donation and minimal money to be spent from the cash collected from those who join us. We will have to pay the band but the club would be free..just drinks lots and they will welcome us back anytime. ;) I just have to get Bill to check that it isn't already booked.
As long as the majority of the proceeds go towards enhancement then I may break my trend of not entering derbies ( I have never entered a single one yet). This one seems to fit my bill so to speak. I will work on a crew (I have a few in mind already) to fish out of the Sculpin for this event.

Has anyone decided on where the proceeds are going? What cause? etc.
We haven't officially named our cause, but the new coalition was one thought, with the money to be dedicated to help pay for our full time lobbyist. Glad to pop your cherry Sculpin!!! :)
Obviously if the derby location moves from year to year then those who host them can pick their cause...only fair.
Obviously if the derby location moves from year to year then those who host them can pick their cause...only fair.

I see this as a major promoter of the event. Different locations and different causes.
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No problem, let me know what we need to do and we'll do it.

I like the idea of as much of the the funds as possible going to the new coalition. There are already a fair number of derbies that sponsor enhancement, and in this area we really need the representation to help support the fishery. That being said, so long as its a good fishery related cause, we're in.

I'll pick this back up after the holidays. Too much going on right now to think about planning this right now.
Proposal: the newly formed South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition helps organizing this with the understanding that funds raised will be donated to the society as suggest by some before. A good date would be Sat April 20 - good hali tide as well in case we get season then. Need to confirm with Pedder Bay and would suggest a few dedicated individuals from SFBC would soon meet with Kelly (Last Chance) and me to get this rolling. Please PM me if interested. Rollie, check your email please.
My business will happily donate the trophy and have it fab'd up. Thinkin the stainless banana is the ticket. :D Thoughts?
Matt, the cheapest way to make it is to cast it from aluminum. I checked out Smith Foundry in Vict. They told me to find a plastic banana to use in the molding process. I want to find one that is larger than a real banana...there should be something out there like that. They figure only a hundred bucks if we can find something to use as the mold. Then I could get it powder coated to look like a real banana. To fab something up from scratch will be quite expensive in aluminum or stainless.
BTW , Chris Bos has been in touch and he and the coalition directors want to get involved in organizing this. I'm not going to tun down any help. :) I will contact the guys this week and get the ball rolling. My buddy has already reserved Herman's Jazz bar for Saturday April 20th. A couple of ideas in my head so far is to have a sliding ticket cost to encourage full boat loads of participants. So say $100 if you are by yourself, $75 each for 2 in a boat and $50 each if 3 or 4 to a boat. Have the guys here in Victoria offer up open seats to guys from out of town so those who don't want to bring their boats down won't have to. They can get a ride with someone here. Also the guys who live here could offer a place to stay a night, parking on the street at their homes for those who do bring their own boats and even share taxi's to the party that night. Also was considering putting on another halibut seminar the following morning (not an early early start) with a breakfast and have the funds from that event go to the Charters Creek Centre as last year's did. Those who fish the derby would get a reduced price to the seminar. Have it wrap up early enough so everyone gets home at a decent time on Sunday. Thoughts?
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Rollie, it all sounds great to me...Not having to haul down my boat from Nanaimo would help a ton, plus I think Matt still owes me a fish in his sea sport wink wink...
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The weekend of April 20/21st. Fishing will be in Sooke area waters, the party that night is in down town Victoria and the halibut seminar location has let to be determined. I have to get a feel of how big a room I will need for a halibut seminar this time around. A few of us are going to meet this Tuesday to formalize a few things and get the ball rolling. We will let you guys know more details after that meeting.