Winter Weather


I am from out east and this is my 2nd year in Vancouver and first year winter fishing around Vancouver. So far I've noticed there hasn't been too many decent days to be out on the water in Dec and the first week in January hasn't been that good either. I am in a 17 footer so I am usually not out when the winds are more than 10knots. Can someone tell me if the heavy winds we've experienced throughout most of Dec and so far in January is typical this time of year? For some reason, I was expecting more calm wind days during winter because don't the high pressure weather fronts in summer(which bring the nice sunny days) also bring in the winds due to the high pressure front? So by my logic, I would think low pressure fronts in winter would make more stable and less windy marine weather patterns? Perhaps I have it the wrong way around.
Pretty typical. There aren't that many nice and calm days this time of year on the coast. Occasionally we get a cold snap around Xmas with frigid temps but sunny and calm but wet and windy is normal for most of winter. Get out any chance you get!
The norm. We had a nice start to winter and this fall but seem to be rolling through some serious wind for sure. Winter fishing means waiting for holes in the weather to sneak out. Be smart and respect mother nature.
Start learning spots that are protected from different winds and you’ll get to spend a bit more time out there keep in mind your travel route to get there and back