Victoria reports - fall/winter 09

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That sounds good Tofinoguy.Craven i've been fishinglots rite from the point to the island in close 80-110 ft of water there's lots of fish some patches are size small and i've been finding lots of nice one's kinda 8-14lbs.
Also heard a rumor of beacher bay having quite a few 0ver 20lbs in the last week
Today was much better with lots of action in the a.m.
Cloverleaf hootchies fished right off the bottom at 150'.
they averaged 7-9 lbs with a bigger one lost right behind the boat.
The seals were not a probelm today :D
Yep, mid way between Trial and Clover on the 150' ledge...
bait showing on the deck today seemed to make the difference.
Fisehd between Albert Head and Brotchie from 11am - 3pm, shook off 2 5 lber's and kept an 8lber. 1 was a double header off Brotchie in 145ft of water, electric chair, 3.5 cop car both with red glo hot spots. The other was in 165ft of water with 200 ft on the counter off the breakwater, 3.5 nickle green cyote. Seals were not as bad but there did seem to be more poping up off the gravel pit.
Fished the waterfront yesterday from Clover Point to Albert Head. The AH side was definitely better. Hooked 6 and landed 3. Nothing big but at least the multiple seals did not get any. All on hootchies bouncing the bottom in 150 to 180 feet of water. Didn't see any of the tiny squid in their stomachs which we saw the other day. This time they were feeding on needle fish and some 4-6 inch herring. A fair amount of bait on the sounder mostly near the bottom in small patches.
There definently was a fair bit of bait marking, our fish was loaded with small herring. The sling shot sure kept me entertained yesterday!! Might head out this afternoon.
What type of hoochies work best for you? the full size or the squirts? how long a leader?

Electric chair is mentioned alot on the forum.

I have had good luck with the jellyfish squirts on a 40 inch leader.

What other types?
I find just straight greenwhite glow with a 30inch leader and a purple haze flasher!! Give that a try one day.

Hi Dawn 2 dusk, 33 inch laeader right now for plastic, electric chair has worked well for me off the water front latly but not so good for some fisheries, matching the hatch probably. For squirts old stand bys are purple haze, glo with green strip, cricit, J79, glo below.
Right on good info. I will have to shorten my leaders and experiment with the speed.

I have noticed that some day the fish are really picky and only hit certain gear and colors and action. Other days it seems they would hit anything that moves.
long troll from The Gap to the flats to ross bay to the flagpole, hugging the bottom and............ no keepers to report.
Even the crab traps...threw everything back. too small
quote:Originally posted by Tofinoguy

Hang in there guys. Those early Columbia fish are starting to show here the last week. Suddenly there are 25 lbers hitting the docks. :)
Got out again yesterday - this time with a camera.
They were a little smaller but the bite was "hotter"

The weather was great with temps around 7 Celcius

The 2 bigger ones were 18 and 15 lbs. We kept 3 and released 5. Unfortunately the bite was really on when we had to leave to catch the Hockey games. This one was dinner.........yummy!

Best gear was blue/grn needlefish hoochie and small Anchovies in a blue teaser head. Best depths were 40 to 55 feet in 65 ft of water
quote:Originally posted by bananas

Yup those are the one's were waiting for.Are those fish early for up there?
Sorry about the wrong forum guys. Just trying to keep everyone optimistic down there. These fish are 2 or 3 weeks early but i feel it's due to the unpecidented size of this incoming run. :D
Hit conny yesterday morning. Despite poor weather fishing was good. 3 keepers between 8 and 12# from 8:30 to noon. No seals. Hot hootchie was pistachio - glow, 140 ft close to bottom.
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