My brain hurts......



Ok. Im generally a river fisherman. This said, I do get out in the salt from time to time. A spring trip out to Nootka for a week. An annual family trip in and around area 12 for a week, and the odd day around Vancouver/Horseshoe Bay. My week trip in Area 12 is 10 days away and Im trying to catch up on the local salt water regs.

[xx(][:0][B)][8)]:([xx(]....Can they make it any harder? This is just my oppinion, but I think the powers that be dont even know what the f**K is going on at any given time. I think its almost time for some "de-regulation". They say that recreational licences are on the decline. Well know wonder! Im sometimes scared to wet a line, wondering to myself "am I legal in this spot?". Now I also have to contend with all the rockfish closers as well as the mind boggling "in-season" salmon regs? It almost seems like DFO would rather us not even be on the water, so lets baffle them with BS and maybe we can get some revenue with fines. I bet the fish cops dont even know the majority of the regs.

Sorry. Just ranting.
I could'nt agree with you more. After seeing the other post on barbed hooks, Rockfish closures, in-season changes, the over/under size limits, clipped or not clipped, okay in this sub-area, not okay in another. It's hard to feel you doing everything right. I went to the extra step of printing off all the Rockfish Areas where I routinely fish, but when is enough, enough? Why not simply put I yearly limit on what I can keep? I do not need 30 Springs, unlimited (yearly)other salmon in season. Nothing like fishing them barbless hooks for Sockeye and watching thrashing and bleeding fish after fish spit the hook only so you can hook another one and have the same thing happen. Are we doing the fish any favours or the bureaucrats? Even though I make every effort to do everything right, I still get that sinking feeling in the gut when you see a fisheries boat. I just want to keep the odd fish, enjoy the outdoors, and not feel like a (bleeping) criminal. ... end of rant
Try reading the Washington regs. You have to have a damn degree to keep up with those. You guys are lucky.[^]
Went through a roadblock last summer coming home from Renfrew.Was rudely introduced to rcmp and conservation officers(NOT dfo)Received a lot of hassle from two officials who could not even tell what area we were in.Guess they couldnt figure the regs either.
It just gets my blood boiling when I spend the time to understand the law and abide by it and still get treated like a criminal suspect!!
I was at a local tackle shop in Sechelt. I had looked at the RCA on the web but saw they had book from DFO outlining them. I asked if I could get a copy. They said that was the only copy DFO would give them. I found this very strange when they were a the largest seller of Saltwater tackle in Sechelt and also sold Saltwater licenses. A bokk with the RCA zones should be given or at least available to every angeler who buys a license along with the regs. They did have a copy of the regs.
I hate the constant updates that are generally only on the web. My dad doesn't have a computer and looks for the posts at the ramp. But generally there is nothing there!
But DFO is sure shy of money for the good, on the water enforcement. Maybe we need to blame the bean counters?
A few years ago I was moose hunting and was approached by conservation officer. You would have sworn we were peddling child pornography while selling Crack coccaine in a school yard. Guy was a huge *****. Everything was on the up and up but he was doing everything possible to see if he could nail us for something. I felt sick to my stomach when he left. Was a awful feeling doing everytyhing right yet still being treated like a convict.
I was stooped in a roadblock on my way to Cougar creek last year.2 RCMP and 2 Conservation officers.They looked through the truck and coolers questioned why I had 24 beer for only a days fishing after I told them I was staying for a week.They were looking for something to nail me on.I also had my two sons with me.They checked fishing lic.,drivers licence and insurance.I don't have problem with roadblocks but when they ask u the same question over and over trying to catch u in a lie is a little nuts.Ihope they spend a little more time on the water this year.

My problem is with the complexity of the rgulations, not the officers in the trenches. Sure, we get hasseled once and a while but at least there seems to be a visible presence. I would rather be hasseled once and a while by a fishcop than not seem them at all.....;)
We got checked last year in Nootka by Fisheries... the guys were cool... they just basically asked how fishing was... wanted to have a quick look at the licences, etc. Quick 5min convo while we kept trolling on the other side of the boat... I agree, I like to see the guys out on the water... If your not doing anything wrong theres nothing to worry about! Most guys are just doing their jobs and are alright, but there are idiots in every crowd and they give a bad name to the guys who are just doing what they are paid to do in a professional manner!
Was fishing camel rock in nootka 2 yrs ago when dfo showed up and you should have see all the boats take off. It was a hot spot at the time but you wouldn't know it when they(dfo) showed up. Makes ya kind of wonder what everyone else is doing.[?]dfo checked me out but then i had nothing to hide.
quote:Originally posted by highflyn

Was fishing camel rock in nootka 2 yrs ago when dfo showed up and you should have see all the boats take off. It was a hot spot at the time but you wouldn't know it when they(dfo) showed up. Makes ya kind of wonder what everyone else is doing.[?]dfo checked me out but then i had nothing to hide.

Thats cause they were all American boats with overlimits![:0]............Who said that?.......[B)].....;)
I don't mind these guys doing their job, as long as they give you the benefit of the doubt before automatically assuming you're poaching or something. On the plus side: where I live we often get people 'from the city' simply raping the beaches of clams, oysters etc. Going WAY over their limits and thinking nothing of it. This is when I get on the phone with DFO and they usually respond immediately, although they are understaffed like every other ministry.
Nice to see them doing their job in that instance. That's when I appreciate them taking a real hardline approach.