Derby's Canuck emporium

ya the Canucks stunk last night.very lack luster play like they had too much xmas turky real excuses either, both teams had a good break before they played.... The Rangers were there to play and the Canucks wern't..........C.A. oh ya the score was 5-1 Rangers
bump itty bump itty bump :) Go Leafs

Must be a warm fall in the centre of the universe.... The leaves are holding on a little longer this year..
thinking the leaf had a slow spot this year I would agree with the leafs of this year ....eeeexxceeepppptttt...thank god there is one Toronto team.... ;)
Hambone that is awesome, yes folks the Leafs have lots of time to melt down, but i am enjoying the ride at the moment! Sammy turn the oven off you just baked your boys :)