Campbellriver Fishing

was there this afternoon. slowwwww... typical CR fishing. I seen no fish caught either, mind you,I wasnt there until after 10am,.


Fill the dam tub!
Yes there we lots of boats and the fishing was alot slower than yesterday morning.But they were there.As of the midday tide it was pretty good if you found were the fish were holding ? tightline Snowwhite
Story of my fricken life

Yes there we lots of boats and the fishing was alot slower than yesterday morning.

Why is it always better the day before I go fishing ???????:(:([?]
The past couple of mornings have seen afew fish caught.But its been alot more better at the start of the flood and end of it down at shelterbay the last two days have been great fishing .ps there are afew fish starting to show up at the light two. tightlines Snowwhite
Thanks snowwhite, Ive only been living up here a couple of years now, and am still learning some of the areas, and I don't think I'm fishing deep enough. I hate fishing deeper than 120' but it sounds like you have to. Does the bait ever move closer to the surface? seems to always be on the bottom.
Was in the tackle shop today and the guy at the counter had a few story's. Low thirty's caught and he had pictures, another guy got a couple in the twenty's,and another report of a 70+ pound hali caught near shelter. Maybe it's heating up.
Hey Halilogger it was a82lb hali a fellow guide guests caught it Snowwhite
There was a lot of talk hat the fishing has picked up off the hump and the CR side. I took the day off, was out at the start of the ebb, trolled many hootchie flasher combos mostly 180-225'. I saw a lot of fish being caught. I had one hookup, but other than the dogfish and cod, things were quiet on my boat. Is there some trick to fishing there? I'm not sure on speed out there as the tides sure push your gear around. I managed to keep the gear under my boat at least!

Any suggestions on what hootchies are working, speed, leader lengths? I will keep experimenting - I'm sure things will get better.[:I]
Lawman > Sounds like you were fishing deep enough, last couple of days just about any hootchie's worked as long as they were blue, or green or some sort of glow.
Also most of the fish cleaned have small little 3-4 bait in them so spoons and small plugs (for some) were working well.
Just about everyone I talked to was catching them on something different. If you were out there thursday for that "snap" that happened all you had to do was be anywhere near the bite and have the gear down 200 or so.
Try and make sure you are trolling WITH the tide, if you are not sure which way that is look for the guide boats or just look for the majority of boats and make sure you are going the same way. Lots of monkeys out there trolling any which way they please causing mayhem, and mostly keeping their gear on the surface
HOWEVER the fishing really dropped off today not much at all out there this morning and afternoon, maybe it had to do with the Orca that went through this morning or maybe the fish are just moving on.
Good luck out there and keep at it fishing is predicted to be pretty decent this summer and so far the prediction is holding.
Well the Hump seems to be hot or at least picked up the last few days.

Limited out today :D and heard lots others as well. Lets hope the fish stay around more than a couple days

Started at 2:30PM and first bite was at 5PM and a nice 25LB (white meat) and then a 7LB at 6:30PM. 180' on Army truck

Back at it tommorrow. Dam lots of boats. Must have been 40+ and a lot left by 4PM.

Tides look great this weekend as well

Slow today for me at the Hump. Fished from 11:30AM and first bite was at 5:45PM 12lb. Same area and 180' on Army Truck. Did not see any other nets flying

My son and I were there from 11 to 4:00. Seen a few caught, we had our chances as well. Seemed to be a few around. Beauty day, fish or no fish.


Fill the dam tub!
Was at the Hump at 2pm and landed an undersized within 5 minutes then 10 minutes later a nice 25lb 180 feet on army truck. On 36 inch leader. Seen lots of fish being cleaned at the dock (discovery marina) so appears to have been good for lots of people

Spent all day Saturday at the hump, green needlefish and green/white hoochi's at 185-225. Great day for weather, slow for fishing, saw a few caught including a halibut, but only a couple of undersized for this greenhorn.
Was in Winter Harbour last weekend, heard it was picking up out there. Hope to get out this weekend,
Good to see your boat finally moved Island Fish Lifter, grass was starting to get pretty long. :D
might be going out sunday with my buddy in his boat. we were gonna go today or tomorrow but the trailor wheel got all F%#$%@!!!!! so gotta put a new axel on the thing!!!!

anybody headin out this week? lemme know the positive news ;)