Campbell River Reports 2012

Just talked to a buddy on his cell. 2 teenagers at the hump. Jack Smith, purple haze flasher, 210ft. Fishing the slow flood in the a.m.
Anyone been out to the hump lately? Any action up at Browns Bay? Heading out tomorrow if the wind isn't blowing too bad want to go for an overnight run.
trolled aroung the hump today, one hit and a few doggies for us, never saw any nets out but heard the whales were around early today. Did just hear that the fishing at shelter point was good, 300 ft of water, down 180 with flasher hootchie
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Tried it again last night, nothing but one small hit, never saw any nets out lots of painters boats. Hopefully they are late as the last 3-4 years the fishing is usually good out front.
I heard some good things coming from the Stuart Island area, not necessarily lots of fish but some biggies including a 42 and a 34. Looks like they're starting to show up. :D
Picked up a 10-12lber (white) on the hump yesterday at 170' on a 4.5" Gibbs copcar at the bottom of the ebb. Had three 8" herring inside (greedy bugger). LOTS of bait around and lots of doggies too. All in all, a great day on the water!
No time to troll but caught 4 ling cod jigging with a green Gibbs 4" speckled green lure yesterday with the kids and 1 starfish in the crab traps. It was dead flat and the views was spectacular
Was at Brown's yesterday morning and it was very quiet around the corner.
Picked up and ran over to the wall and hooked into a 20+.
Did a fake death roll at the edge of the boat and we lost him to the deep.
That was all the action we saw. Great fighter and a good morning.

out at the this morning one in the box in the first ten minutes, nice 12 lb white spring, lost two:( Going to tie up my own hootchis rigs am tired of cheap hooks. My buddy went out tonight and boated 4, all the fish were 180-200 feet down , using chartruse hootchies. The hump to lighthouse drift.
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Surprised there not more posts on the CR thread, fishing is great right now, finally!! Picked up a 15 lb halibut and a 17 pound spring trolling near the hump tonight. Lots of boats out and lots of nets. All at 200 feet. I only fished from 430-630.
fished the hump yesterday for a couple of hours in the morning ebb/slack - had a nice battle with a 22lb spring and a seal. I won this round! 190' near bottom on a spackleback ace high fly, green flasher
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My son and I boated 2 nice ling cod while trolling west of the red can. 160 feet on green glow hoochies and green flashers. Great night, on the water by 6 and going home by 7:30
Picked up a 10, 15 and 20# this morning at browns. 80-100 ft all on anchovies. Hardly any traffic out there which made for a great day on the water.
I'm new to the forum and will be coming up there in Aug. I've been looking at a map for locations that are mentioned here. Can someone tell me where the "hump" is?

Just South of Quadra Island - you will see an area of+/-150' of water surrounded by deeper water on your charts