Bamfield Road Status

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Anyone know that status of the upgrades to the road to Bamfield? Was supposed to have bad parts paved and the rest all seal coated. Is it all done?

Anyone know if the road to China Creek is paved?
The road is being worked on. That said... no pavement or chipseal just yet. There is a detour from the turnoff to Cowichan which then goes all the way round the backside and joins up just between the lakes about 15k from Bamfield. Look to add at least 20 minutes onto a normal Port Alberni to Bamfield drive. We are at least a year or more away from a completed project.
I had to go up to the radio site a couple weeks ago. The site is at KM marker 54 so went through the closed area. That is also where there gravel pits are located. They are prepping the road in both directions and using that as there starting point. There putting lots of dirt and soothing it out in preparation for chipseal or asphalt. They have lots of work to do!20220901_135715.jpg20220901_110514.jpg
They won’t use dirt as the base they are probably using fill the raise the grade, then they Put on crush and then road base

Looks like total rebuild in that area

I guess I must have missed road building 101... must have been away that day.
zero chip seal will be done this year. the new sections are washboarded atm. i cant believe how much it is built up on the bam stretch and the sides steeper than 1:1 at plus 2m, there will be lots of roll overs as the soft shoulders are like vacuums. not even a chip seal contract yet! never mind a maintenance contract after its installed. i fully believe the road will be chip sealed from bam to sarita next season and the kitty will run dry, the media will be all over how the road is getting done and that will be the end of it.. TIME will tell.
Any updates on the road status? How about the Cowichan route? Planning on heading up there for the first time (camping - no boat to tow).
Any updates on the road status? How about the Cowichan route? Planning on heading up there for the first time (camping - no boat to tow).
I just towed my boat out to the Nook for the season yesterday. It's still a work in progress. It seemed most of the road has been prepped for chip seal with a heavy build up of new material as said above. However, there were still plenty of rough due to the heavy rain. For the most part, it was much better yesterday than when I pulled out in September.
The next Tofino. It was inevitable sooner than later. Happy for road but sad in a way. It's really a special place.

talking to a guy at work that does free diving and hand picking, thats where there going next year as other places are getting to busy
very little to no parking, no rv amenities, all new builds are slowed down by lack of infrastructure and acrd.
going to be a slow change for sure. but still too fast for most.
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