Americans guiding in Canada

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old school

I was recently fishing in Hardy and happened to notice there was quite a few American boats fishing. I talked to quite a few of them and asked why they were up here and got the answer "we have screwed up our fishing so we have to come here". It is funny that they can come for a whole season and fish here. Even we Canadians usually only fish and take home our limit in three days to a week usually, that is a prairie guy like myself who takes so long, I am learning though. After talking to these guys on a friendly note, they all have friends who are coming up for a week and then more next week and more the week after. It is also weird that the guy running the boat never goes for a beer with the other two or three guys, never eats with them, always cleans and packages their fish....just like a guide would do. I may be out of line but I think it is time we put a stop to this and no time better than now. An out of country "Alien" should only be allowed a one week license. All purchaser info DL#, SIN# or what ever they have to produce, should be entered into a main computer which can identify a repeat purchase if they try. The fishing is getting busier every year and as Canadians, we have to protect our fisheries. Our governments have to stop worrying about income from these sources and concentrate on what we have and conserve it. I guess this is a wake up call to our great government people to introduce changes where they are required. I am just wondering if any others have noticed the dileama or is it just me and am I out of line?
I have no problem with American visitors coming to do some sport fishing in Canada. They pay a higher license fee, and must abide by the same rules and regs as the rest of us.
I do however have a problem with U.S. guides operating a business
here which results in hundreds of fish taken from the ocean.:(
The loopholes should be closed so that they cannot operate here.
Can you imagine the American govt allowing a Canadian to show up
south of the border to set up a guiding business there ??
I have noticed that a few times on the Skeena too. I fish in Canada a couple of weeks out of the year, but I don't think it is fair for US guides to essentially run a business in Canada for free.
Me Too. Thats pretty bad although the problem we have in the USA is about 16,000,000 worse. I hope you guys do better with your problem than we do with ours. I am on the side of the fish.:D
I'm almost getting tired of this issue. We all know it's been going on for ages. The govt doesn't have the will to stop it. Perhaps bad Karma might befall some the boats that are involved in these illegal activities. Maybe the illegals operating in our country would question how profitable a venture it was if their insurance policies were canceled because of too many "accidents". HA, HA, kiddin of course.
I'm pretty sure i know who you are talking about old school...was the guys name ralph? In a 17 ft open quest boat? I guide out of Hardy and know him well, he has a new friend come up every week, only one though. Real nice guy though, would never do anything against the law, don't mind those type up here!!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
It is not much different than a guy running a charter business out of Hardy without proper liability insurance, no commercial charter numbers on his vessel and not even a "free" Transport Canada inspection on your vessel.
Not sure why we always seem to come to the same topics on this sight but it's all bad for business....Americans have been guiding in our waters all over the coast for years...hell...they even have websites advertising it...inforcement is the real issue here!
Well...I don't know if you can compare the two...but the guy I'm talking about doesn't guide..just takes friends out! Only one other at a time!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
Carefull richmake.Unless you have undeniable proof then what you have just stated is merely slander.You better make sure your facts are straight.
However,if what you say is true,there are people I know who would like to know about it.
I would like to hear serengetiguides response
i'm not sure if it was directed my way...but who knows...he was talking about other people in hardy in other let's see what Chad has to say.
Only one way to do this and that is to name names (boat).

I'll start;

Many locals have their eyes on the JohnD. Its a larger Orca that comes up from the States and fishes 'friends' for 4-6 weeks a year.

Another is Coin-Jam. The Skipper has fished there extensively over the years in other boats. This one he has had up for the past 2 or three years. It moved in, in May and just left this month or late last month.

I've talked with both skippers and have made my own conclusions. What say you?'s always been about you and now quite frankly I'm a little pissed off with you now. I'd watch how you handle yourself on here! have only been putting slander and promo on this sight since you started posting for your own self promotion 3 weeks ago a little here and there is O.K. but you are obviously trying to drum up business.
Is your boat inspected?
Do you have proper liability insurance?
Also, why don't you have proper commercial numbers on your boat.
We are all trying to run legit and professional businesses out there and when you post **** like this"Yeah, we try our best. Stay out until the job is done unlike many"
Well of course you stay out later...when daddy covers all your costs!
We can't possibly stay out till 5:00pm each day because when you run a proper've got other responsibilities to look after.
The other legit guides in Hardy have read your **** too and none are very impressed to say the least!
Mr. Dean....both above mentioned boats have been running illegal charters out of Port Hardy for years.....nothing has ever been done after numerous complaints by others besides myself....not so much the coin jam but the other boat for sure!
Rcmp have been notified recently and are also working on checking un licenced charter vessels in Port Hardy that violate the marine contreventions act which is fineable but rarely inforced...until recently.
This is not propaganda...pure facts....
You can contact Transport Canada any time and read TP14070 as well as other publications...
If everyone joined forces instead of working against eachother....we would all be better off in the long run.
Most people don't both to get proper licenceing, inspections or insurance because they think things will never happen to them...don't take the's not worth it and is extremely unprofessional....
If you are guiding primarily Americans on charters, and you don't have proper charter insurance, you're insane. Americans are the most litigious country on the planet. If they got so much as a hangnail while on a charter, they would be looking to sue your a** blind.

It's expensive to take properly certified and professionally operated charters. You get what you pay for though, fly by night operators are probably nowhere near as successful, or safe. BTW, guys lets all try not to let the attacks get too personal. This is a great site, we should all try not to let things get out of hand. I don't have a problem with posting foreign boats suspected of working illegally in our country. Perhaps that is the only thing that may make them smarten up.
BigGuy- Be careful, I might feel slandered and bring a suit against you...Just kidding. Take a look at the nice Big Halibut that were caught in Canadian waters by Yanks fishing on an American charter
Wow. Nice kill. Gotta love those big female spawners that taste like a old rubber boot...only not as good. Way to go.
Chad, I have nothing against you, but for some reason you seem to have something against me, same as another guiding company, well mainly 2 guides, and to be honest, I'm kinda saddened for their sake by the bs from a few. And as to do with the registeration and insurance. We do have charter insurance (on both boats), hence why it costs almost 3 grand a month to insure the boat. Plus, our boat is registered as commercial, we imported it from the US and had to take it through the commercial truck crossing since it was being used for fishing charters and register it there. Please, before you start saying stuff on here, at least ask first and find out the facts. Honestly, I entirely agree about the if everyone works together, instead of the immature bickering that goes on now. And coin jam? Huh? Promo? All that has been done is said how the fishing has been and posted pictures. We are fully booked...tell me what the sense in doing "promos" would be? And you have not done any promos? What about your post "Port Hardy....July 20th"? And the "Port Hardy" post? I also remember one where you said all your available dates on here too. I'm not trying to start anymore's just silly. We all have to deal with each other out on the water...I see little sense in fighting, but maybe others do. I'm not trying to take away from your all do well out there too, and didn't mean it like it may of sounded, but apparently some people take things like they are attacks...when they aren't at all. And never would I intentionally slander someone...and I'm unaware of where I did as well.

Guy's , besides all the legalities .
Try to guide as a canadian anywhere in florida .
They sink your boat so fast it makes your head spin ,
no questions asked , no big discussions .
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