Prawn fishing

By Brentwood bay.. I don't have time to do so.. can just get out quickly once a day... Today same results.. Had a trap stolen tho..
Spooled Again, did you have the first trap stolen off of a line of two traps? Happened to me when I soaked my traps overnight and figured he must have pulled my traps near sunrise as I set them at dusk and was out fairly early in the am. I would love to catch the guy red handed.
Striper Jack and i were out on Saterday and managed a good Haul for our limit. We sat on our trap line and just cruised back and forth pulling and de heading. 45 minute soaks is all she took. I won't leave them over night near Brentwood...
Salmon9 Were your traps set in Brentwood Bay?

I've been told that if the bait or bait odor fades, the prawns will exit the same way they entered[8D]. So, a short soak can be better than an overnighter.

Doesn't seem to matter.. I'm getting around 100 decent ones per trap.. BEst prawning I've had in awhile.. Gonna pull my traps prob tho.. I've lost three this year..
Might move them around the corner where i have retired relatives that can see them out in front of their house.. Never had problems there just not the same numbers i've been getting. They can read k numbers through their telescope anyways.. They have nothing better to be doing anyways.. God it would be nice to be retired..
Tanglefoot my traps were set in Mill Bay. I think traps are stolen on both sides of the inlet possibly by the same guys. Just wondering if those with traps stolen are experiencing the same tactics - pulling the traps, taking the first trap on the line and then dropping the line to go to another set of traps.
quote:Originally posted by Despy

One other small tidbit to consider. Age does not matter as far as obtaining a licence is concerned but everyone should be aware that to be allowed to "possess" prawns or crabs the person claiming the possession MUST be capable of pulling the traps on their own.
I witnessed such an incident at Rocky Point when a fellow came in with a 2 person limit of crabs and to his dismay he was written up by an RCMP officer and had his catch confiscated. He had his young son with him and the officer said it was obvious that a 40-50 pound boy could not pull a full crab trap up from 60-100 feet.It is written in the regs.

I just got off the phone with fisheries(250-363-3252) and they informed me that not only do you have to be able to pull your own traps but if you take a friend fishing(someone who has a license) and you use 2 traps, you have to have your own name on each trap. in other words, if I take my own two traps fishing with a friend, even though he has a license we can still only bring back a total of 4 crabs because his name isn't on one of the traps.
As for having to be able to pull the trap yourself in order to use that persons license I don't think that should be a law.
quote:As for having to be able to pull the trap yourself in order to use that persons license I don't think that should be a law.

I can see your point, but if they don't pull them then they aren't fishing. Sure they can be there and get excited and love the experience but that doesn't mean they are fishing.

How many prawns you guys really need anyway, its not a bottomless resource like we all thought salmon was 20 years ago.
Hi, I'm off on the 16th for the 1st time prawning. I'm going to try around Deep Cove area, I read on one of the forums about using a mixture of Puss & Boots cat food along with commercial prawn bait. I have been looking for Puss & Boots at 4 different places and can't find any. Where are you guys getting it from? Also about what percentage? Thanks in advance.