Kitty Coleman Reports 2012

Scratched up a 25 # on the Duffer hoochy at low tide on Tuesday.
What a fight the buck gave us.
My fishing partner had to turn over the rod to me as his arms were burning.
Don't know how many times that buck went on the run, but it must have been 5 or more.
After each run away from the boat the fish ran to the boat.
No wonder my partner got burnt out.
Saw around 20 boats out there but was not watching for other nets.
Water conditions were excellent with not much crap in the water.
"I'll give you my hootchy when you pry it from my cold, dead hands"

I'll throw this out there....
I'll take someone fishing at kitty if they donate 100 or more to the Alex M fund.
Lorne just donated well over that and he has a boat without a kicker.
I will be trying for a little first light fishing this weekend. Morning high tides looks awesome. I sure wish I had one of those duffer hootchies though.:confused: I guess I'll make do. See you out there.;) eman
I should just rent out my gear.... LOL

50 dollar donation to Alex M. fund to borrow my gear for the day.
25 dollar donation to Alex M. fund to just look at it. LOL

Tortuga, LP donated a whack of dough, but don't forget, some it came from our wallets.
Gil good deal for someone out there that doesnt have a boat. I know Bruce was looking for someone to go with.

Not this Bruce, I'm still cleaning the blood off my boat from this morning. Get out there Duffer.
the morning might have been nice the afternoon was the pits 2 small releases then blown of for a slow slog back to union bay
Hey everybody Im new to the site, moved to Comox a yr and a half ago so figured I'd join. Just
thought I'd say hey and let u know that my neighbour picked up a 40+ Hali 2 days ago at Kitty
Coleman in addition To 2 springs. i'm heading out tomorrow morning Let ya know how I do.
Hey everybody Im new to the site, moved to Comox a yr and a half ago so figured I'd join. Just
thought I'd say hey and let u know that my neighbour picked up a 40+ Hali 2 days ago at Kitty
Coleman in addition To 2 springs. i'm heading out tomorrow morning Let ya know how I do.

Welcome to the nut house TinCup. Congrats on your neighbours haul.
