Jughead new!

I can confirm that SF-I caught 2 large springs and a coho before I lost the juggie to what was a very large Hali. The front bead in the hootchy was very tight into the juggie head.

You can't rig the Hoochie head too far away from the Head, and that Gum pucky needs to go, its helping to kill the action. Put one bead inside the head between the hoochie and head and the action will work as advertised. Don't worry about seeing the eyes, worry about the action. We did all sorts of rigging up in Rivers Inlet and found that the Hoochie needs to be inside the head and one bead works best.. FYI

Would it be possible for you to post a picture of your set-up that you used in rivers inlet ??? I read your report from up there and gotta tell ya, that was epic. Those guides up there will be talking about you for a long time.

No Worries, here's the pic. One thing I would definitely recommend is that you rig them with matching Twinkle Skirts. The Twinkle Skirts White Glow Jughead on White or Glow Hoochie out fished everything 3 to 1.

Some other recommendations I would make would be to ensure that your leader be at least 6' long. We ended up with the lure on average about 10-12 feet behind the release clip, and stopped using flashers in the clear water up there. If your going to use a flasher I would recommend an inline rotating flasher off the cannon ball or just above it.

Cheers FN

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Question: When fishing the Jughead with a hootchie behind a flasher, do you run the same leader length as you do with just a hootchie or do you lengthen the leader out so the Jughead can swim more?? I'll be targeting Coho.
I got one too. Do you sink the hook into the herring or anchovie or just let it drag like a plug.

Hey Slabby, glad to hear you got your Juggies.
Lengthen your leader for the exact reason you stated. Give Jughead some room to move. Run about 5' to 6' of leader from your flasher. Personally, I rarely use a flasher...

Cannibal Chris, the answer is no. Do not put your hook into the bait. Let your hook hang under the bait like a plug, exactly as you stated. Use a single siwash or octo hook. Trebles will flail around and snag the bait causing it to helicopter, tearing your bait to pieces.
Fish them like a plug. You can drag bait very fast with Jughead, all day long.

Good luck guys!
Hey FW in your install video at 4:59 you show the treble being placed into the "bait". In your video you are demonstrating with an artificial but I assumed bait was the rigged the same. I understand now. Thanks for putting the time into forum answers.
Hey FW in your install video at 4:59 you show the treble being placed into the "bait". In your video you are demonstrating with an artificial but I assumed bait was the rigged the same. I understand now. Thanks for putting the time into forum answers.

Thanks for mentioning that. I put the treble hook part in to show how some have used the treble hook with Jughead. It is recommended to specifically use a single siwash or octopus hook. I think I will change the video back to the original way where I only show how to use a single hook, only.
Have had a a couple reports of where the hook was tearing their bait up. I asked it it was a treble hook and both times the answer was "yes". Each time I said, as I'm stating now, take the treble off and use a single hook.
If you look closely at the Jughead videos, you can clearly see the single siwash hanging underneath the bait, point up, not flailing around.
Andrew P. shared (thanks!) a few Jugheads with me so tried one out of Sooke today, for the first time. It out fished the green/white coho killer 2-to-1!!! Dumby flasher off the cannon ball, white juggy with a white hootchie. It was great to have something to put that kind of action on a hootchie and fish with no flasher! Only out for 3hrs, but pretty much non-stop small springs and wild coho.
Thanks again Andrew!
And to AJ for coming up with this cool new product.
That's awesome 007! Well done. I've heard a few times that Jughead out fishes the Coho Killer from people outside SFBC. I couldn't really post their findings myself tho. I appreciate you testing Jughead one on one. Especially without a flasher. Bravo!
I agree about the action. It's amazing, if I do say so myself, a hootchie was basically useless without a flasher until now... I'll never fish a hootchie without Jughead again.
Thank you 007! And of course Andrew P. Good lookin'-out bud :)

Lots of stories of the white on white slaying fish...
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jugheads do work well.

the jughead out fished all other lures four to zip they may be outlawed soon .


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the jughead out fished all other lures four to zip they may be outlawed soon .

Wow. That is impressive catfisher. Thank you for that! Can you tell me what you were using in Jughead? Also, where the heck did you get your Jugheads? lol!
Hopefully the Feds won't learn about Jughead until everyone in U.S. has some :cool:
Thanks again catfisher. You put a big smile on my face View attachment Smiley.bmp