Halibut closing after long weekend?

So here is the information I gathered
Total average yearly licenses (all types) 300K
Probably ½ never even look for Halibut
Total yearly catch Sport Halibut 947760 lbs
Average size 18-30 so we will go 25
So average number taken by sports fishermen is 37900
Halibut to licenses 1 in 4

Information I collected on the board
Halibut taken by members who replied 64
Members on the board during vote 132
Say 100 read post
Those who mentioned taking friends 15
They took 85 friends
Most of us don’t fish alone and probably average 1 or 2 friends at a time so 150 friends
So we have 64 halibut taken by 350 guys
1 halibut to every 5.5 members

So I would say there estimate is 10-20% high

But it is easy to skew the numbers any way you want if needed

If we count every license in BC then it changes to a 1 halibut in 8 licenses
and we as board members would be taking a higher percentage of catch
and this also implies sporties also average over 100 halis a day over the year and we can't fish all those days so the count must be higher
Huh, we got (3 of us) 4 halibut totalling about 65 lbs over 10 trips. I simply DO NOT believe any TAC has been reached. Is there any way we can demand a reckoning on this decision? I guess not as they will probably cook the numbers to suit their politics anyway.
Apparently the number of creel surveyors is down dramatically this year. Was approached once this year at Pedder. Not once at Sooke, Port Renfrew, Oak Bay or Sidney. Tell me how an accurate measure can be taken,especially on a fishery under such scrutiny, by a handful of pollers?
DFO's way of trying to get guides to buy quota and make that system work 0 halis for me
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Not that DFO would ever want to this , cause it would be to easy and too inexpensive to do ,

Phak the Creel surveys on Halibut numbers, there never around our docks anyway ,its a joke
sounds like most fisherman I talk to ,, which most are not on this forum ,or any other ,
the numbers thrown around here , might be a little off.., its all Speculation ,,,

Starting to **** me and alot of other Sporty's off ,
A Solid form of accounting for our pathetic 12% Sports Halibut TAC is in order
i cant believe thers not more of a stink about this closure ,
VOODOO math , wtf , were gonna accept this ?? what are we f'n 9 years old ??

Simple , on the back of our licenses ,
# 1 Salmon and Lingcod , left as is

# 2 ADD a Halibut Recording Area on there as well , the info for each Halibut taken ,

# 3 - Halibut Stamp

Info recorded for halibut Posession should include the following

-Date Caught
-appx Size ( weight )
-Vessel License #

At the end of the season , Any licences with recorded Halibut , photo copied , then mailed or emailed back to DFO

Then Ultimately . Recorded andmade public info prior to the upcoming season , show Commy`s total and Sports sectors total ,

*** Rc's or DFO would treat Non wriiten up Posession Halibut Catches , the same as Chinook or Ling's *** Heavy $$$

keep it honest.. we threw this around this summer at the firepit , SOMTHING to start with...

atlest lets go with this now , try to get the allocation division crap fixed in the near future ... thats another animal..


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i cant believe thers not more of a stink about this closure ,
VOODOO math , wtf , were gonna accept this ?? what are we f'n 9 years old ??


I agree and i have said this all along if you look at my last dozen or so posts regarding the topic. You know what will happen? nothing. Why? cause the folks with the money and whos lively hood depends on it, will do nothing but plea to the general public how unfair it is ( which i fully agree it is) to go to meetings and send in letters, which in turn will do nothing. The truth is after labour day the G/O really starts to wind down, so maybe the thought is well at least we got to labour day and the vast majority of our trips.

I as a normal citizen and sports fisher when i had a clear understanding of the 88/12 i was appauled. I educated my self as much as i could and made a consicous decision that this was a fight worth fighting. I even put forth my own money to fight this last year with newpaper adds with a few other folks from town. I attended eveymeeting within an hour of my home town. I sent countless letters. Then we lost.... and it wasnt the loss that hurt as i felt we could regroup and keep going, it was how everyone just gave up on it. I even talked to G/O that have even said they are "too busy" to fight during the summer. Holy short sightedness. Next season The season will open late and all the ruckus again will be for nothing. And everyone will go back to fishing. . Then next year it will be the same, and slowly year by year it will be a shorter season, less halis for sport till there is nothing left. The big money groups need to GTF OFF their wallets and get lawyers involved. THis is not rocket science IMO. If they show true committment to fighting this, then maybe i'll care again.... Cause truthfully season or no season if i want a hali i'll go catch one. Well at least attempt too as my hali skills are def sub par. hahaha
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Lorne , I agree 100%. I tried to motivate others in my circle-- but the same excuse..... Nope! Too busy fishing! Well look at how quickly the PHMA started the spin about conservation as soon as DFO decided to close us down.... They are still fishing, but they have not gone into hibernation . We can and MUST do better if we hope to change the allocation formula.