Alberni Inlet springs

Targets were 1300 (Area D Gillnet) and 1900 (FN's). Derby, are you saying the FN's took 9,300?? That would be 7,400 OVER their target number? While many did expect they'd run over, that seems a tad high??


Thats hard to believe.!!! NOT!

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Not likely to be ANY ramifications for that particular "Sector" methinks.

That would make the catch between just the FN's and Commercial nets ~ 10,600.
Given the small return number forecast for this run, are there now plans to close the Recreational Sector down?
No further netting by anyone??
If not, there certainly SHOULD BE IMHO!!

Un-Freaking-Believable!!! :mad:

At this time thoses number are un confirmed... but I believe them to be close....Perhaps its time for the suggested fish weir or trap in the river?
August 19, 2012

Chinook: Approximately 34,000 Somass chinook are forecast to return to Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet in 2012. The predicted adult age composition is 5%, 33% and 62% of 3, 4 and 5-year olds, respectively. Given the age composition, about 24,000 spawners are required to meet the 57.2M egg target for the system. Therefore, about 10,000 Somass chinook are available for harvest in the ‘terminal fishery’ from Alberni Inlet seaward to Barkley Sound.

Well... Now that has been blown all to RatS**t, just what the hell is the Department planning to do in response? :(

I for one certainly will NOT kill (or even target) another spring here. I hope the balance of the anglers feel the same way!
To do so would be putting Personal Greed on a higher pedestal than the run's basic Survival!!

What the FN's have done, if these numbers are anywhere close, is beyond ATROCIOUS!
They HAD to realize what they were doing...
And just where the hell was DFO in this mess beyond launching it?
Obviously NOT ensuring any form of Compliance.

Again... UnFreakingBelievable!!! :mad:
August 19, 2012

Chinook: Approximately 34,000 Somass chinook are forecast to return to Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet in 2012. The predicted adult age composition is 5%, 33% and 62% of 3, 4 and 5-year olds, respectively. Given the age composition, about 24,000 spawners are required to meet the 57.2M egg target for the system. Therefore, about 10,000 Somass chinook are available for harvest in the ‘terminal fishery’ from Alberni Inlet seaward to Barkley Sound.

Well... Now that has been blown all to RatS**t, just what the hell is the Department planning to do in response? :(

I for one certainly will NOT kill (or even target) another spring here. I hope the balance of the anglers feel the same way!
To do so would be putting Personal Greed on a higher pedestal than the run's basic Survival!!

What the FN's have done, if these numbers are anywhere close, is beyond ATROCIOUS!
They HAD to realize what they were doing...
And just where the hell was DFO in this mess beyond launching it?
Obviously NOT ensuring any form of Compliance.

Again... UnFreakingBelievable!!! :mad:

Just saw your e-mail you just sent out to agree with you on what you have said.. Not sure if you wanted it shared on the forum...
Very disappointing, but not surprising. Just another year on that system. wonder what it will take to get people angry enough ? Only change can stop history from repeating itself. Hope that change comes from us and not the end of a great Chinook run.
Just saw your e-mail you just sent out to agree with you on what you have said.. Not sure if you wanted it shared on the forum...

Thanks Derby. Appreciated.

In a nutshell I just informed our SFAC that I can NOT support any further removals of this run by ANY Sector whatsoever, including ours.
If the numbers are close, we are at 216 % of the suggested harvest number on a run size as predicted. Insanity.
Something MUST be done, and if that means curtailing our efforts for the benefit of the fish, so be it.

Angry Enough? I am there and a tad beyond at this point... :mad:

I would like to know where to hell is all the fish that the natives have had access to this season going? There must be a system in place to distribute such an abundance of food and ceremonial fish. Just wondering.;)
I would like to know where to hell is all the fish that the natives have had access to this season going?

"Economic Fisheries" = Commercial in every sense of the word. SOLD. Period.

While some were FSC fish, the vast majority are legally commercially caught fish.

I am thoroughly disgusted with that. When did the Natives gain a greater percentage of the catch and why is the commercial sector so passive about it? That whole fishery stinks.:( eman
Ah yes.... Our great "Stewards of the land" once again exercizing their first class citizen rights brought on by white guilt and apathy. Don't like it? too f'ing bad, beecause the Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled that your opinion does not matter. Want it changed? You will need to organize a revolt of such outstanding proportions as to threaten the very existence of Canada before anything will happen. Only when the atypical suburbian and city dweller has his own personal property threatened would there ever be a voice loud enough to go against the SCC, and even then it would be questionable.

Sorry guys, that ship has sailed. Get use to it.
This entire scenario is just like PA sockeye. Dfo is 40 000 short of their escapement and they
Authorize another native commie fishery on the run in late July or early Aug. Everyone said Ok cause the proceeds were going to salmon enhancement projects of the Bands choice. I have not heard where those $$ went??
Would love to know. At last count still 30 000 fish short of Dfo's own escapement target.

If anyone does any research about albermi chinook you will also realize that in 2011 the commie sector also overharvested about 3x as many as they were allowed.
thats about right

That may be about right but why is it right?

What happened to the DFO rules as to the amount to be harvested this year in the commercial industry.
Why are they so far over.
Has DFO sized this overage from whomever caught them?
Who is responsible for this complete disaster?
Will there be charges laid against those responsible?

Can you get us an official response to my questions.

If you do some digging on this forum alone you will see that this
Over harvest by both native and commies sectors has happened 3 out of the past 4 years on chinook I believe in PA.

Nog has pleaded in the past years to fishers not to bonk springs in the river because there was not enough escapement.
I would like to know where to hell is all the fish that the natives have had access to this season going? There must be a system in place to distribute such an abundance of food and ceremonial fish. Just wondering.;)

Most bands who have the funds to align legal support have been granted access to fish since the Nisga agreement, those that have can do what they want. Not news at all.