Winter Reports Sooke and Victoria 2008/2009

I like fishing hardware versus bait only because my riggers are manual.In 200 feet of water I'm not a happy camper when every time a shaker hits or just being unsure if I've missed a strike,up it comes. Gets a bit expensive too. With spoons and hoochies there is not that worry.
Chris, you just made my day!!! good on Ya!!!

And i know that in the last 3 weeks a giant school of juvenile Herring have moved into Becher Bay around the marina, so i was thinking that maybe that is why spoons started to produce more then Squirts. just an opinion. But im no expert as this is the second year of winter spring fishing.

Hootchies and squirts have been great since September, just vary the leader length until it works. Let's just say the shorter the better.
Cheers Codfish

Codfish...what boat are you running?
Fish were right where you said they were last week. Thanks:D

quote:Originally posted by chris73

Yeah, that's got to be a new record for online schizophrenia.
Na, I just have a blast playing with you PRO fisherman. lol
Tips up I run a 26 foot Proline. What Boat are you in?
Cheers Codfish.

Was out for a few hours today bouncing around Pedder, 5 to the boat all around 5- 7 lbs, kept a bleeder for the bbq. Jellyfish squirts and glow green and red hotspots. Ugly NE wind chop. Commercials have moved there traps out of the bay. Very good crabbing in a short soak with some old hali heads.
17.5 Double Eagle. White with blue top. (There are a few of these out there) Yamaha motors.

I monitor chanel 68.

PS... Nice looking boat.

fished becher and whirl yesterday....10 hook ups and 2 to the boat....not exactly on the ball, but steady action....8:2 spoon to plastic....

quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

Which side of the bank were you on LC?


I was with the pack just east of the 100Ft line, but it was on pretty much everywhere, from what I could tell. 130-160 for me was where I hit them, but it looked like everone had fish pretty much everywhere, around 9.

Last Chance Fishing Adventures
I'm going fishing tommorrow. would someone like to come with me?
nothing special Justin...6 and was nasty, damn cold too

TideHunter, Who would want to fish with a Troll like yourself! Go comb your purple or green hair and wash the jewel on your belly button.
