Tuna Talk

This is the best pricing I've come across for Powerpro. I use the high vis yellow/moss green and plan to add the red vemillion to my arsenal to designate rods. Alltackle has all spool capacities (220-3000yards)...

(or I'm going handline crazy ;))
In the end It turned out to be $5.50 a piece which is ok since each came with the correct hook.

A lot of power pro on Ebay if you want to go that route. IE 300 yds 100 lb for $30 plus 3.50 USPS.

This is the best pricing I've come across for Powerpro. I use the high vis yellow/moss green and plan to add the red vemillion to my arsenal to designate rods. Alltackle has all spool capacities (220-3000yards)...

(or I'm going handline crazy ;))
What test and length are the leaders that came with those rigs Bird? I really like the black n green
What test and length are the leaders that came with those rigs Bird? I really like the black n green

I cut them all apart for 4 reasons:

a. I never fish pre rigged gear. I just don't find the rigs reliable.
b. The leaders were to short.
c. The swivels varied in size.
D. The line varied in # test.

The hooks were all the same tho but I am not sure they are solid stainless but they will work for a few trips if not solid stainless.

I am having a tuna gear swap with a buddy in the next few days and then I will be selling some stuff I will post here first and you can have first crack at the black ones.
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Very cool. Strange that the lures were rig so differently and packaged in the same bag...

After seeing your score through tackle-direct I did some quick searching...no deals were found, in fact the lures I came across were $20+ea...

cost wasn't what interested me, but the design of the Ballyhood Lures. They had a few with diving heads and the 4.5" size you were looking for....


Albacore 4.5" Allstars

Cedar Feathers:

Top Gun Feathers (w/ slant face):
The Top Gun's at 7.5" long is about as big as I would run on the west coast (as I caught fish with bait up to 8" long).

But the slanted head looks really appealing as it would dive and swim...

Cool looking lures, pricy though.
But the slanted head looks really appealing as it would dive and swim...
That's not how those heads run-they swim in a tight pattern right on top submerging a little from time to time but they don't 'dig in' as much as you imagine in fact they run like the Zuker on the bottom not the one on top.


Here's a close look @ the beat up old veteran of the Tuna Wars.

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That's not how those heads run-they swim in a tight pattern right on top submerging a little from time to time but they don't 'dig in' as much as you imagine in fact they run like the Zuker on the bottom not the one on top.

The Top Gun lures do not have a tapered head, and a more pronounced concave face. They may not dive or swim to great depths, but it would perform better than the zuker pictured (which we have used previously with great success.)
Some guys like "Tuna Don" love them jet heads...I have spent enough on basic gear so far,so good old Zukers for me...until I run into the big school of albies again, then its Chunk Herring and Deadly dicks,swim baits ect....cant wait!

I picked up a set of out riggers today...most guys run one line on the outriggers? I was thinking of running 2 meat lines on each outrigger and then running the 6 rods as usual...Wondering if the outrigger would take the stress of the possible double header pounding away on it?
Some guys like "Tuna Don" love them jet heads...I have spent enough on basic gear so far,so good old Zukers for me...until I run into the big school of albies again, then its Chunk Herring and Deadly dicks,swim baits ect....cant wait!

I picked up a set of out riggers today...most guys run one line on the outriggers? I was thinking of running 2 meat lines on each outrigger and then running the 6 rods as usual...Wondering if the outrigger would take the stress of the possible double header pounding away on it?

You could go broke tackling up for Tuna before you even catch one thats for sure. With all the bells and whistle's posted above, I too will have likely 2 lures, clones and zukers, 2 diff color as that is what has worked so I see no reason to break the bank. BUT I will likely have one or two of these fancier lures on hand to try out, to see if they prove their worth. Until then, its 10 packs of black and purple :)

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