Thousands of 10-pound Atlantic salmon, catch as many as you want!

AA you posted #217 a link to a first nation comment in the first paraghaph was stated ,unwanted farms are to be removed at first nations request in bc.I fear not the farms and workers ,I fear the one that have a deralick farm for sale.The buyer of such a farm might continue to use the farm after the expirory date. For the ones that pass up on a gift of candied salmon or other great eats treats because of something they don't agree with ,is a fool for not fitting in ,remember there is more people eating hand fed pacific rearred atantic salmon than pacificly caught hooknline .please don't diminish any trout or salmon mid-botttom range fish as every fish is so important.
Not sure what you are trying to say here....

Anyways, if not eating an industrial farmed product, that is fed antibiotics, growth hormones, dye, mystery animal byproducts, etc. lives above piles of it own feces and waste, regularly doused in pesticides in overcrowded conditions where some grow to be deformed then I and a growing number of informed citizens will gladly be "not fitting in"!
We best fit in or we all left without. Could you imagine if globaly others stopped buying hand feed reared salmon from net pens freash /salt regardless of spiecies from bc?
I think not fitting in in this case is the best option. Who says we need to fit in? I and other concerned citizens in BC and around the world are working for a time when globally others stop buying net pen, salmon, and buy them instead from land based operations where their many negative environmental impacts can be better managed.

If concerned citizens keep the pressure on our politicians to move salmon farming from the sea to the land it will be just a matter of time before this change will take place! Just like it has with other industries such as forestry, mining, agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, etc. have done over time to reduce their negative environmental impacts. Just a matter of time.
i dont think so i asked this question. and you came back with all kinds of different answers, you go on to include sea lice, inbreeding, forage fish, etc. it not answering a questions really. the question revolved around desease but i got sealice answers or i have naive expectations. no i don't, you said: "Already has been proven, Dave - esp. wrt PRv and ISAv" i ask this one:"wasn't this only found in one fish on one farm?" the answers are getting all mixed up, what does forage fish and sea lice have to do with PRv and ISAv?
On the links I posted was specific ISAv and PRv info - and lists of lab results and positives. Is there something very specific that you are instead asking, bones? It's a big topic, and a big ocean...
From what i remember was a blocade of lighthouse to willow pt ten years ago. We should not allow this thread ten years later be rememberd for the negligents of a canadaidin farm owners(that baught a 10 year expiroied farm) ,and may continue to fuel the pig war.yes salmon war is pig war.
Agree with HITW - we are under no global obligation to provide the world with artificially low priced salmon. If people want to eat this wonderful fish they can pay what it is actually worth. If not then too bad - eat slice.
I think in an ideal situation we are selling troll caught fish in BC exclusively and getting rid o the netting as well. The price will be established - we could stop taking all of the herring 20 - 30, 000 tons annually out of the straight and other areas, and you would create trolling jobs and sell that fish.

I suspect a lot of the harvested herring is used for salmon farm food. Maybe Birdie or Bones or any of the other industry spokespeople can confirm whether or not any of the herring harvest from BC goes to feeding net pen salmon?

If people want to eat farmed salmon, fine - they can but from land based farms period. Remove the low cost net pen option completely and see what happens.
Wow. Just listened to a great interview on Cfax with Professor John Beaupre(sp?). He does not speak of the industry as highly as the bird or bones does. In fact, very much the opposite. I'm guessing he did not throw all his research aside and give you guys a call for the truth?
I dont believe I have made any claims on behalf of the farming industry. I have asked one question "wasn't this only found in one fish on one farm?"
And i do believe I have asked in a pleasant manor and not called anyone out or belittled anyone. To bad it always comes down to this.
On a side note can anyone provide one paper that says farmed fish are infected with disease? Just asking again.
agreed that we need to keep it a civil debate/conversation, bones. Thanks for your efforts.

I'm feeling there is a disconnect here, however. I am not sure if you have been reading the links, maybe?

Because I don't know why I should keep posting links to questions you have asked - if you don't bother to read them.
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My point is that the credibility is in the science, conducted by scientists. Not from guys who work in the industry. It's a clear conflict of interest.