Sooke Reports - Spring and Summer 2012

Just Googled up images of Dalls Porposies and Pacific White sided dolphins. I would put a lot of money on them being the White Sided that Rockfish and I saw. After all, as he said they were only 5 foot from the boat, messing around with us!!

( Cannot mistake the Dalls, the images almost look like mini-orcas they are so "black and white". These were not those!!)

Whatever species they were it was cool to see them up close.

A couple of years or so back we had some unusual ocean conditions off Sooke and we were getting those jelly fish like things that were not jelly fish fouling our fishing gear. At the same time we were getting these small groups (4 to 6 in a group) of Dolphin/Porposes and there was a lot of these little groups. They were small as these species go and to me seemed to have a brownish color to their skin not gray and I do not recall any white on them. They tended to stay in very tight formation arching out of the water and did not seem to approach boats. Does anyone know what species they were?
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They would be harbour porpoise, quite small, usually move quite slowly just coming up like a killer whale briefly and very shy. Seldom will allow you to approach without going under and a way from you.
Hey Guys,

There is a small swell on the half my brain is thinking surfing....but the other half is still stuck in fishing season. What to do?!

Anyways, I am likely going to go for a surf in the boat and then drop the lines, somewhere between Jordan River and Renfrew...any recommendations on salmon spots north of Sheringham but south of Renfrew would be appreciated. Or a hali spot for a last kick at the can. Thanks!
Hey Guys,

There is a small swell on the half my brain is thinking surfing....but the other half is still stuck in fishing season. What to do?!

Anyways, I am likely going to go for a surf in the boat and then drop the lines, somewhere between Jordan River and Renfrew...any recommendations on salmon spots north of Sheringham but south of Renfrew would be appreciated. Or a hali spot for a last kick at the can. Thanks!

If my memory serves me right, I have done fishing further up the shoreline around the lighthouse in a tiny zodiac boat in the late season many years ago, picked up bigger cohoes. There should be some kings around. Good luck
Out fishing yesterday and fished the afternoon and evening. Could not find a Chinook and not many were caught. Eventually went east to the Trap as there was no one there. Mid afternoon on the outside of the trap it was loaded up with Coho and we could not even get our gear down without hitting them. We were looking for Chinook and trying not to catch Coho. Kept some nice clipped Coho and release smaller clipped Coho and unclipped ones. What an amazing turnaround on local Coho populations.

Went in closer to shore to try and keep the Coho off and then got pushed out of the Trap Shack bay and back west by the Killer Whales coming from the east and the usual armada of whale watching boats surrounding them. I Have noticed recently that most of the Chinook getting caught off Sooke have been the smaller bright resident type in the 6 to 21 lb range and tend to be caught deeper and some are clipped. Hopefully we are not already down to just a few stragglers of the big spawner’s passing through.
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Rockfish, you're pm box is full, please empty it so we can fill it up again :)
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Re; pacific white sided dolphins... i agree with the other posters, who have in fact spotted white sided dolphins in Sooke.
Great day out there today. Started out for hali mid morning out of Pedder and banged 3 in short order and lost 2 more. Nothing big, all between 15 and 20+. One I lost seemed maybe a little better sized. They weren't biting very aggressively - you really had to be patient with the hookset. Then on for some fast action coho fishing between the head and the trap. We lost many and the ones we brought to the boat were all unclipped. But had a blast! Probably my last outing for quite some time due to the boys' hockey season.
Awesome day on the water, we picked up 3 hatchery Cohos and a nice spring just west of the hut. Nice line of Hali hunters at the creek today and i know of 1 that was picked up there. Good work. I am out tomorrow and I am going to do a little hunting myself. It is great to see summer is here now,just as our hali and spring fishing is coming to a close.

I got the chicken on good old herring and the bigger one on salmon bellys!


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Great day out there today. Started out for hali mid morning out of Pedder and banged 3 in short order and lost 2 more. Nothing big, all between 15 and 20+. One I lost seemed maybe a little better sized. They weren't biting very aggressively - you really had to be patient with the hookset. Then on for some fast action coho fishing between the head and the trap. We lost many and the ones we brought to the boat were all unclipped. But had a blast! Probably my last outing for quite some time due to the boys' hockey season.

Where did you go to Pedder bay?

how is deep do you use donwrigger
Nope, no circle hooks for me. Standard rig. They were mouthing the bait for up to 30 sec before running away with it yesterday. I had 2 of the 3 we landed not stick at first - let it down again and they came back for it. 2 came off entirely. First time I noticed such behaviour.
For the hali we went 17 fathom.

Cohos were anywhere between 60 and 110 on the rigger. Spoons and hootchies worked equally.
Nice day for sure! Landed 1 teen spring and lost another to a sea lion at the trap reef then went off secretary to find
some coho but it took a few hours to find 2 hatchery.
Out this morning around 8:00 off Sooke trying for Chinook and had some hits on green glow chovey and got into 2. One in the boat and one lost when it threw the hook because of flasher slack when it hit the surface. Both were the smaller bright silver feeder resident spring type and even finding them deep was work and did not see any others caught. Don't think there are many bigger goldies around. Did not target Coho at all but did keep one clipped we caught incidentally about 7lbs. About 85 % of the boats out there seem to have given up on Chinook and were off Secretary or outside weeding through the Coho for clipped ones. I noticed that no one has put any Chinook up on the marina board since Sept. 4th. I’am thinking you will have to be lucky to get into one of the few remaining big ones coming through. There was also a few guys anchored and jigging off the west bluffs and the tin shack for a last kick at Hali.
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Were out west yesterday with Yammy5 for the morning. Got a teen spring right off the bat, looked promissing for more but not another bite all morning then just before we left at 11:30 got a nice scrappy hatchery Coho.

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I Have noticed recently that most of the Chinook getting caught off Sooke have been the smaller bright resident type in the 6 to 21 lb range and tend to be caught deeper and some are clipped. Hopefully we are not already down to just a few stragglers of the big spawner’s passing through.

They are still a few mature Chinook passing by Sooke. Sunday out with the family, hit 2 springs in successive passes, 520’ water – 115’ on the rigger. Son happy to land both, first was a darker hatchery and an acrobat, managed a couple of nice leaps off the back of the boat. The second spring was larger, less dark and did a couple of nice runs :) both were mature males. Finished off with an additional limit of hatchery Coho and found fewer wilds in the mix. Hoochies were the lure of choice
All and all it was a peaceful, calm day, with the exception of an irate fisher screaming at the whale watchers, as they passed too close.