With the rain I went out to check the estuary on Cowichan Bay and took a look at the bridge over the Cowichan this afternoon...there were a number of FN throwing spears so I pulled over and parked and walked up to the native youths,,,they were eagerly fishing and missing the targets from the bridge on the other side there were 5 seals throwing chum around it looked like the seals were in a feeding frenzie I just couldn't think of how many fish are getting through with the stealthy mamals feeding on the salmon.

Whats your point ?
Do you want the seals and the FN to go away ?
How about all us stealthy mammals in boats on the outside fishing for them ! , maybe we should go away too !
Poor logging practices have killed more salmon then those kids and seals ever will in 20 lifetimes !
quote:Originally posted by alley cat

Whats your point ?
Do you want the seals and the FN to go away ?
How about all us stealthy mammals in boats on the outside fishing for them ! , maybe we should go away too !
Poor logging practices have killed more salmon then those kids and seals ever will in 20 lifetimes !

Ya, because poor logging practices killed alot of fish its ok for Indians to throw spears at endangered salmon runs trying to spawn. Get a grip.
Don't get the real issues lost here. A spear is a traditional method for FN fishers, its not a gill net. A hook... a spear they are both just ways of taking fish one at a time. You may prefer a hook they prefer a spear, no one is wrong. Like me you may prefer fish of better quality from the ocean waters, they prefer to take them later. The real issues are ensuring that all the natives understand what is going on with certain runs of fish on the river. Which ones should be left alone to rebuild and that all fish taken should be consumed.
Hey fishalot last I looked chums were not an endangered specie in this river system what is your rhetoric and valid points ?
Oh I forgot your mature answer was to get a grip ............ good approach !

You think they are only spearing chums? They have been on the river for 2 months now so dont give me that BS they arent killing endangered springs. Half of them cant even identify what kind of fish they are killing and they dont care either way. Obviously your native and the truth hurts.
No I'm not native , only your prejudice is showing here ,so your whole argument is that the salmon species as a whole can saved by eliminating spear fishing eh ?
Apparently you a fairly new on the fishing scene then and don't care to look around at the other factors which are harmful to any piscatorial species , just so long as you can rant on the native population gives you satisfaction eh ?

Prejudice, thats what I experienced this year at Goldstream when I was threatened and told I better get back over to the white side. I can honestly say I looked over my shoulder a few times on the walk out. I guess they didn't want me to see them walking through the shallow pools with a huge salmon net and a hockey stick with a giant shark hook on the end of it, not to mention the one native bonking the fish in the head with his fist. Whats traditional anymore, do they ride in on horses, do they live in t pees?. Are they really spirital protecters of the fishery when they won't stop targeting endangered fiseries like the Cowie springs or do they want to stick it to whitey because we have F'ed them over so bad in their eyes.

Alley Cat I totally see your point about logging and other things that have destroyed habitat and fisheries, but F/N fishing is a joke.

What really needs to happen is everyone needs to stop playing the blame game and work together before it is to late one day. Fish are amazing and it is crazy how #'s CAN comeback with some propper consevation. With a stong fishery everyone wins and more. Guides, F/N, rereational, and a large # of other busineses and even whole small towns.
quote:Originally posted by alley cat

No I'm not native , only your prejudice is showing here ,so your whole argument is that the salmon species as a whole can saved by eliminating spear fishing eh ?
Apparently you a fairly new on the fishing scene then and don't care to look around at the other factors which are harmful to any piscatorial species , just so long as you can rant on the native population gives you satisfaction eh ?


Your the one jumping to conclusions here. Its not just the spear fishing, its the over harvesting when told not to. ex: night netting and filling cube vans full and sending the fish off to Alberta, the killing of steelhead and selling them for beer money outside the pubs etc etc. Let me guess, this stuff doesnt happen in your world right? Well Ive seen all of this and more WITH MY OWN EYES and so has thousands of other people. So wake the F$ck up Alley Cat its time for equal rights and punishment for those that abuse our resources.
x2 Fishalot, seen those things as well. I think Alley Cat is just trying to say that its not just F/N that have and are f'ing up the fishery and disrespecting it at times. It makes me barf knowing and seeing what goes on with F/N fishing, especially nets acroos river mouths, Reenie, duncan, Alberni and so on. Equal rights for sure!!
Tks for the insight luna but I have just been trolled , look at the number of posts and check out the other threads this one just wants to throw crap at people.

quote:Originally posted by alley cat

Tks for the insight luna but I have just been trolled , look at the number of posts and check out the other threads this one just wants to throw crap at people.


Trolled? Are you 16 years old? I'm a fisherman thats fed up with all the people abusing the resource plain and simple. If the run of salmon is endangered then NOBODY should be able to fish it. I dont give a **** if you think its your right because of somthing thats happened 100 years ago, GET OVER IT! The times have changed and "people" should have to change with them instead of living in the past. I'm simply saying what everyone else is afraid to say because tools like you cry racist or predigist. And I only throw crap where it belongs and it just so happens that your opinions belong there too.
My point now and allways-River6 ,alley cat and who or whatever is that if we dont stop f-cking up the local rivers were going to have to fish for the pink pen fishery or worse...:( I could care less what COLOR you are the point is if we respect the fish and our rivers individually we at least have made a start to take care of our own back yard and if we do run across anyone who isnt then if we report them or at least re-educate them,maybe then the DFO and the reg enforcers will actually start to do there thing an then there will be a deterant.[^]

This River6it is a reincarnation of another troll that got his jollies a while ago.. dont responds -it fuels his ego.


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
A few years ago there was piles of speared chum in the hundreds left to rot on the banks of the cowichan. I know there are lots of chums in the river,but no respect. Steelhead fisherman ( I heard) used to throw hay bails off the bridge to take out gill nets down river targeting steelhead, don't know if true or not. Do not have a problem with spear fishing just the lack of respect and its probally just a few doing it.
Sadly it only takes a few idiots with no respect to do major harm once the fish are in the river and vulnerable.
I have to agree that it does only take a few idiots to taint the image of what may be right.

The basis of what the FN fishery stands for is inherantly feasable. Heritage, spirituality, food etc......what they choose to do with the money wheather that be household bills, mortgage, entertainment, "beer" ..... then so be it. Not our place to judge. However if and when I see an abuse on any system , no matter what nationality then I will let that person or persons know! I have seen as many "white" folks abusing our systems. How come it's only the FN people we are bashing?There are equal amounts of hill billys out there pulling the same crap. Yes it must be equal share, equal rights, equal responsibility.......and equal blame here guys.
