Reinell Info


I'm wondering if anyone has any info on this body style Reinell. It's a 21ft hardtop with Alaskan bulkhead, I just got this boat and will be building it into another kootenay lake fisher!

I am currently running a 24 ft Reinell but a different hull design.....This 21ft hull looks like a narrower Vee much like a glasply, or double eagle


Using google images I can only find one other one with the same styling. There are a zillion reinell boats on kootenay lake, and with the Alaskan bulkhead are perfect for winter fishing.

This is my other boat that is the body style most often seen

Anyone have any experiences with the 21ft style shown in he first pic?
The blue one has a big in floor aluminum fuel tank

The Tan one has two little aluminum saddle tanks tucked inside the gunnels midship.
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