Power pro blue super slick braid

upload_2019-3-3_9-17-56.pngPardon, please. No sir, I am not Canadian. Just pointing out the availability of the product in question. Brilliant observation Waterwolf and Dogbreath....you are correct. While the purchase price is approx 50% off retail, in the end it becomes Very expensive after factoring in exchange rate, shipping, etc. This forum is so very helpful. Members are generous in sharing insight and info. "Caveatemptor", the idea that the buyer takes the risk, is a fundamental principle of commerce. In the end the buyer is responsible for knowing his rights and protecting himself. Trade can get complicated. And, it's nice to be among those willing to share some of the details and warnings; 'i get by with a little help from my friends' (The Beatles). upload_2019-3-3_9-17-56.png
I've ordered quite a bit from Sierra. Of course the trick is to have an address below the 49th or someone who can pick up. If you can avoid the shipping I'd say 90% its a good buy.