Port Alberni , Place to stay



So last weekend was my first time fishing Alberni. I will be heading up for the derby this weekend and was wondering where the best place to stay is
We have a spot at Macktush but not sure what do with the boat just anchor out front??? Is this what everybody else does? We will have two boats wetbeaver’s and mine.
Any advice would be great since wetbeaver’s is only a month old and want her to be as safe as possible.

Is there any camping around Nahmint bay??

Caught all my fish with anchovy not one hit on the pink hootchie.
We fish Mactush every year.I would suggest you pull your boat out and park it in your site.If not anchor in the small bay by the beach launch.Be careful it is shallow there.Talk to Sylivia about where to anchor.Another word of advise on the concrete ramp be aware that at low tide the end of the walkway is the end of the ramp if you go too far you will hang your axle over the end and you will damage the trailer.Also keep in mind that on some days it will blow up in Nahmint bay by 11 am and can make it quite difficult to get your boat out at Mactush.Good Luck DAN
Hey salty got it all under control there is a free anchor this weekend with our name on it. The guy was going to pull it this week but I just talked with him and he said he would leave it out for us to use. A friend of my Grandpas.