Off To Ukee!


Well-Known Member
aYup, today is the official hat-switching day once again for me - losing the rather faded and blood-splattered commercial troller headgear for something a tad more fitting for a Guide. The reports continue to pour in, many of those who've been there for years are already calling it amongst the best season they can recall! Between that, and what I saw out there myself, methinks it will very much be a Season To Remember! :D

Right looking forward to this run, although it will seem a little strange boarding the charter rig - it always seem kinda small, and so bloody FAST compared to the Big Rig! [}:)]

Anyway, I'm off to The Briney once again. Kinda like going Home for me, and I'm just pumped with anticipation! Back in a few days, so will letcha y'all know what I find out there!

Tight Lines All! :D

Have fun,just got back from Barclay Sound myself......don't wiggle your fingers in the water something will grab it.Was unreal fishing,and by the jabber on the vhf was even better off shore.Dan