How many of you have kids that like fishing?

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
Well, I unashamedly can tell you that the Free Family Fishing Weekend this coming weekend is one of the best opportunities to put some big smiles on the kids faces. And how about Dad or the grandparents who used to go fishing, but just cant seem to be bothered anymore? Its open to the whole family.

There are events all over the province, and its free. I am somewhat biased because I organize the Courtenay Fish and Game event

But they are all good. This year the Freshwater Fisheries Society has come up with a new program called Fishing Buddies. In return for your pledge to introduce at least one person to angling this fishing season, you could win a trip with the likes of Brian Chan and other well know BC freshwater fishermen.
Have a look here: <>


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Hey Cam-- Have a great event. Nothing better than seeing a kid catch his first fish. The beaming parents faces are a close second!! :)


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Whooey!!!!! What a great day. Virtually everone caught one fish.. Many limits of trout taken by excited kids and families. this is inspite of bright sun that made fishing slow for periods of time.

There are still around 1000 trout in the pond, so why not give it a try???? Lots of free hotdawgs and pop supplied by Thrifty Foods-- and its all FREE!!! 9 to 4 on Sunday

At noon tomorrow the Courtenay Fish and Game will be making a presentation to the Family Fishing Society as well as the Fresh Water Fisheries Society to thank them for thier support for this great program.

It may not be fishing in the Tyee Pool, but we all started somewhere with this passion we call fishing!!!

Cam-- how did Lafarge Lake fishing go???



20ft Alumaweld Intruder
very well, fishing in the netted section was excellent, in coquitlam, there is a MAJOR poaching issue and i had my volunteers guarding my fish at 6am while i still slept, and from i heard they still tried to poach ??? got to love what coquitlam has become??? over 450 people im guessing and lots of happy prize winners, and sum yummy mummies to look at lol
Well , another year, and another event has passed. Hopefully we have seeded the waters of the province with a new crop of anglers.

It sure seemed that way at the Courtenay Fish and Game Family Fishing. While total numbers of attending participants was down a bit from last year, the excellent weather and the enthusiasm of the approx 1000 persons that came out to our pond to catch or attempt to catch a trout dinner, was very encouraging.

A great big THANK YOU has go go to our Courtenay Fish and Game members who volunteered, Thrifty Foods for providing free hotdogs and drinks, local tackle suppliers such as Tyee Marine, and Gone Fishin, and even South Country Feed and Supplies for the trout food.

Our organization took time out from the fishing to present the Family Fishing Society Executive Director, Owen Bird with a cheque for $2500.00. With government cutbacks threatening the program, we felt we needed to put a little back so that other communities could experience what we have.

A framed print of Myra Falls was also presented to Don Peterson, President of the Fresh Water Fisheries Society, for providing the trout for the BCWF Fishing Forever Program and the Family Fishing Program at outr Club, as well as stocking local lakes and ponds.

So how was the fishing on Sunday???? Excellent in the morning until the clouds started to burn off. For the rest of the day, we saw periods of "lock-jaw" with frequent flurries of frantic activity when everyone seemed to have a fish on. But I can honestly say that the event was a total success. Cant wait until next year!! [8D]


20ft Alumaweld Intruder