High speed near miss at the head

Not sure if this was intended for me: I never intended to offend. Don't see how it is rude either. We all have opinions. I'm entitled to mine also.

Carry on,
I stand by comments. I put as much effort in time to help sooke people keep fishing, and contribute a lot..I don't like that mentioned I think its rude frankly. I am entitled to an opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion and have every right to call someone out on this.. The only good thing to come out of this is that other people will hopefully read this and realize its not cool to run through a crowd of boats.. Its not rocket science..
Just because I get involved with our industry doesn't entitle me to any special privileges on the water nor do I expect any. I've fished Otter Point since I was 8-9 years old and fished alone in my own boat since the age of 13. I'm 56 now. I've never had an accident with any boat I've owned. I would have say the close calls have been while trolling and dealing with an issue like a tangle to long with my head down and then peaking up to see that the wind has blown the boat into someone's path. The closest thing I almost ran into many years ago (80's) were a killer whale female and calf. I had no idea they were even around so wasn't expecting them to pop up right in front of me...I cut the throttle and drifted up to within 20 feet behind them....they were going the same way I was. I really thought the boat was going to glide right up on top of them. I didn't want to dodge off to the side thinking more might be just about to surface.
If me going alone he beach really bothers some that much I can live with not doing it. However I will not pound up to the light on the far outside in the ebb undertow...I will continue to run on the inside edge of the ebb to save my back and boat from unnecessary jarring. It means when I get to Otter I will continue to look for the largest gap in the fleet to scoot through.
I feel the same way Walleyes wrote. Well written.
It gets a little bit worse every year. I know which boats are being run by dick heads and which ones are being run by professionals. After 52 summers out there you catch on. Some of the comments here pretty much confirm what I see on a regular basis.
Good example last weekend, we get a screamer on Wolf is coming up on us sees it turns and gives us plenty of room.
Now Roy and I are buddies so I would expect that.
But I was fishing on a different boat so he didn't know it was me, but he was courteous and professional about it.
I still flipped him the bird on general principals though.
Seems like a good time for a kayak fisherman to jump in. I fish otter point quite a bit when weather permits, the only thing that stops me is wind. I do fish in the fog, and worry about just this scenario, someone coming close to shore inside the pack going fast. I see it happen a lot when there is no fog and I don't hesitate to flip you the bird if I see it happening. The latest one was the commie crab boat on wed. ripped right past me, big wake, lots of noise. Had to deviate my tack so as not to take in in the lap.
Can you see a kayak on radar?
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I also agree with Walleyes comments about how the few boats that fish up at the light consistently do for the most part follow the starboard rod to land right of way. He also mentions having room to play fish. This season I have not had a single incident where another boat got into my fish or vice versa. The closest to it would be getting on the radio to let another bat know that we had a fish peeling off more line than normal. I run the extra distance and put up with higher fuel costs for this reason. Way less stress when you are on the water almost everyday for long hours.