Gun Control in US and Canada

Twenty six pages....... no consensus. Imagine how hard it will be to get the US to agree on anything if we can't. There is only one way to even remotely start to influence this issue in the US. More regulation/controls. Not sure how anyone can relegate that option to a non-starter. Those of us that believe this and have seen what progressive regulations can do won't change our minds. Canadian banks survived the 08 melt down because we had stronger regulation than the US. We stood the test better than most other western countries because we are highly regulated unlike the US which had a very cavalier attitude towards having strong banking regulations. It was a free for all. We all know the results. Regulation, when it serves the public interest, can be a good thing. Many sophisticated western democracies adopt socialist ideology/regulation with good social results. Don’t sell it short.
I agree with most of what you say except for the housing melt down and insuing recession. You did not endure what we are going through because you had more regulation. You dodged this because your government did not put into law something like our Community Reinvestment Act - passed in the 70's and furthered during the Clinton term. It required banks to loan money to those who could not qualify for the loan simply because our government thought no one should be denied home ownership. The gov. further told the banks that any toxic loans would be covered by the government not the banks through fanny mae and freddie mack. So here at least regulation by the government pushed us into a recession not lack of regulation. The banks and stock market bundlers did indeed multiply the impact by instituting new bundled loan packages and selling them to many including Iceland which would be bankrupt if they had not refused to pay the money back. Your banks refused to loan to those with substandard credit because they could refuse. Our gov made sure our banks could not refuse. Meaningful, helpful, regulation such as limiting certain guns and clips would help the public. Foolish over regulation leads to disasters such as ours.
It required banks to loan money to those who could not qualify for the loan simply because our government thought no one should be denied home ownership.

sounds like ideological babble straight from the FAUX fantasy network.

if you have a link to this specific language from the Community Reinvestment Act, post it up and school me..................
Realfast spit out the cool aid you have been drinking and google it yourself you progressive? fu*k.
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Realfast spit out the cool aid you have been drinking and google it yourself you progressive? fu*k.

they need to have a buyback for pistols turn one in to police and get some cash this might get rid of a few uneeded guns or unwanted ones over time
Personally I think having rifles or shotguns for hunting purposes is perfectly alright, but I do not feel anyone should own a gun with the purpose of 'self defense'. Self defense means that gun's purpose is to kill someone. People in the states are in a constant state of paranoia and people who do not know how to use guns own them for the purpose of shooting someone if they (on their own discretion) feel it necessary. This is terribly skewed and wrong. I know as a Canadian educated in hunter safety, and deemed fit to own and operate guns by completing my PAL, that I have acquired a deep respect for them and would not think about pointing one at anybody. Whether my life is in danger or not.
Although I feel the big issue is in sociology, I still feel regulation and education is an easier front to battle, and will without a doubt help prevent some tragedys in the future.
As for the sociological factors, the USA is a terrorist nation. They keep the third world in a constant state of unbalance, so that one dictator can keep control, work people for slave wages keeping the majority in poverty (a pathetic state, where revolution cant even be thought of because to feed your family you have to work 14 hours a day) so that we can have the cheap consumer goods we have. They feed us this bull___ about a war on terror, but really its all economics. They glorify war from a young age with army men toys, GI joes, violent video games, and then when we reach an age where we can think for ourselves they say we are after the greater good, and thats why we occupy nations that want nothing to do with us... and ironically usually have vast oilfields beneath them. Its easy to believe so many people go crazy in a country that does this. You wake up and wipe your a** in the morning and know that TP was made out of tree's in polluting factories and probably shipped across the world and back again to be manufactured. Even if you dont acknowledge it you know. Its a subconscious guilt. Everything we do here is so unethical and wrong that its enough to drive the best of us insane. Thats why I spend so much time in the bush, living as naturally as I possibly can. It feels alot better being a part of something thats so perfectly balanced and sustainable then part of our alien nation.
I assume you are lumping WW1 and WW2 into your evaluation.

If you have access to any deadly weapons (In the spirit of Christmas), I hope you go back on your medication.
Wow somebody must have broke out the wacky weed, better get some popcorn, going to get pretty interesting.

HAHAHA typical, everytime someone puts something up on this site that challenges the status quo, they are trolling. how about answering the question? Heres something else to chew on... Karla Homolka, Robert Pickton, Alan Schoenborn and Boby Jack Fowler. What do they have in common? Mass murders in canada not using guns. Where was the cryout for banning knives, ropes etc, ?Instead the focus was on just how messed up these people really are. series/tandi/341-360/tandi359/view paper.html

Heres one more good read regarding austrailas gun ban. As was mentioned since Australia banned guns for the most part (and the ones they didnt ban are quite hard to get) gun realted murders have steadily fell. THis can be argued that they were already falling at a substantial rate prior to the gun ban, but lets forget about that. Since the gun ban Robberies, sexual assualts (rapes) and assualts have all steadily increased. why i wonder?

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The big break in the Pickton case came from a search warrant for illegal guns. Theylater found that he did use guns to murder some of the women as well. I don't want in on this debate but I just read a book about the whole story so I thought I would share.
The big break in the Pickton case came from a search warrant for illegal guns. Theylater found that he did use guns to murder some of the women as well. I don't want in on this debate but I just read a book about the whole story so I thought I would share.

THank you for that. I was totally un aware that guns were used in any of those murders. I stand corrected. Weird how it wasnt even really news though?


Surpirsed no one has mentioned this one.

Cant wait for the pro gun control guys tell me how more gun control would have stopped this one.


You have gone on record several times stating how you are pro gun control or did you forget that? Just stop, you're literally arguing with yourself at this point.

You're trolling is really getting out of control, time to step away from the keyboard.

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You have gone on record several times stating how you are pro gun control or did you forget that? Just stop, you're literally arguing with yourself at this point.

You're trolling is really getting out of control, time to step away from the keyboard.


Its called educating yourself and just because you've seen a grizzly in the wild does not make you an expert on grizzly behavior. Again your logic is lacking severely, but what's new.

Ok so you see how your logic is flawed? Do you understand that viewing an animal does not make someone an expert in the animals behavior? Do you understand that by simply being the same area of the animal it can change its behavior?

Your logic seems to think along the lines of:

If I pick my nose and then a fish bites my hook, it must mean that picking your nose makes fish bite.

Real life doesn't work so simply, it takes a little more thought to find the crux of an issue.

Here are your last three posts. There are many more of you following me around yet adding ZERO to the discussion. Not including the 2 that got deleted after you posted that video of you and your boyfriend sitting around the camp fire. all directed at me. Its getting kind of awkward man.


This is you!
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Well Lorne you are just finding out how the "Anti-Gun" mob works. Methinks they might also be editing or erasing some of my posts. No proof but just throwing it out there to see if any responses from the expert hackers out there.
Gun control is not even in the same ball park as (anti-gun) You can be pro-hunting and pro-competitive shooting and still be of a mind that sees no reason for large clips and assault weapons in the public's hands.
Gun control is not even in the same ball park as (anti-gun) You can be pro-hunting and pro-competitive shooting and still be of a mind that sees no reason for large clips and assault weapons in the public's hands.

Agreed. The question is always where do you draw the line. Some on here are pro hunting ( as long as you dont shoot predators) or pro competive shooting (as long as you dont use semi-autos and dont have clips bigger then 5 rounds) Im not sure i would call that "pro" that would be "im ok with it as long as it fits my idea of what is right and wrong" which for everyone is different. And that to us hunting gun owners is the scary part i think.
