Gov is looking for ideas for economic growth


Well-Known Member
The finance department is looking for ideas on how to create jobs and stimulate the local economy. They are especially looking for ways that don’t cost money.

What cost-neutral or non-spending steps can the federal government take in the next budget to help create jobs and promote economic growth?
Perhaps if we tell them we need a change in halibut allocation policy we could get the economist’s to weigh in on the debate. After all, you can’t argue the point that a pound of halibut caught by a sport fisherman brings more money to the local economy than a pound of halibut caught by a commercial fisherman.

I encourage everyone to go to this website and fill out the form and submit to the finance department, it only takes a minute.

The finance department is looking for ideas on how to create jobs and stimulate the local economy. They are especially looking for ways that don’t cost money.

Perhaps if we tell them we need a change in halibut allocation policy we could get the economist’s to weigh in on the debate. After all, you can’t argue the point that a pound of halibut caught by a sport fisherman brings more money to the local economy than a pound of halibut caught by a commercial fisherman.

I encourage everyone to go to this website and fill out the form and submit to the finance department, it only takes a minute.


done and done
Quick and easy Folks. Another venue to get our message across. I'd suggest everyone here do so, and spread the word...

Thanks. That felt good LOL.

A chance to comment, and hopefully the finance department has not been trained to have deaf ears the same as DFO in Ottawa.