Full moon fishing


I have tallied up more skunked days on or close to the full or new moons. That said I have had some of my best days right on the first or third quarter phases. Has anyone else had similar results?

I never book any fishing trips within a few days of the full moon. I hear they feed voraciously during the night of the full moon and thus are not hungry during the days but thats just a rumour I HEARD. That said, I KNOW that I have personally never had much luck the few days after.
You gotta be sure you're in the right spot for the quick slack tide bites that occur during the full moons
I've always found that the mid afternoon to early evenings are best around here around the full moon. Maybe a very quick bite right at daylight, then quiet until later in the day.
I think you guys are on to something there. Buy my log book,full moons seem to be slow in the morning,with usually some sort of nite
Area doesn't matter, its all about the fish being able to actively feed all night. Its like when you go to Vegas and hit the time limited all you can eat buffet...after you gorge all night before your time runs out, you really don't want to eat anything until way later in the day. Same for fish unless there is heavy overcast to knock out the moon effects. Usually big tides with full moons, so there is a snappy bite at the flip because they need to grab food before the current rips and it is harder to hunt.