Fly reel recommendations


New Member
I've mainly only done lake fly fishing for trout and some euro nymphing on the rivers and creeks. This summer i would like to try beach fishing and rivers for pinks and coho.

I'm going to use my 9ft 6 weight but would like some reel recommendations. I'm used to using small click paws and no drag but would like something with a good drag for these stronger fish.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated
Lamson Guru is a decent moderately priced reel. Don't know what Sage is up to these days but likely have something moderately priced that has a decent sealed drag, as will others. Sandy beaches and saltwater will destroy your clickers in know time if your not continuously maintaining them.

Lots of guys still make due with some fairly inexpensive reels.
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I'm staying away from the salt and beaches with the clickers. I like them for the small creaks and streams on my 3 weight. I'll check out the Lampson! I'm okay with spending more for good quality and something that'll last. I tried the cheap, highly reviewed maxcatch, cheaper reel on Amazon and I'm not overly impressed with the feel and make. It feels heavy and very bulky but I'm also used to the small clickers so there will be an adjustment to the sizes for sure.
It’s hard to beat a Hardy Longstone as a salt chuck fly reel. They were made for salt water fishing....and best of all....they have an exposed rim—-the best drag known to man

I have Longstones in several different sizes—-they all have fly lines on them and work great for river or chuck. I just put one in my boat for use up in Central Coast later this summer—-it is plastic-coated so even better for the salt chuck.

My other fly reels don’t get near the salt way

The Longstone at the far right I got on eBay for $ 70. The smaller Longstones are made of hidinium and are collectors items so they were expensive but they still make wicked fly reels ....and best of all...they have a really loud clicker so when you get a big coho on them it’s off to the races with the added benefit of hearing the coffee grinder a ‘grinding....


Here’s a picture of that big Longstone being used on a river for steelhead:

Agree with the recommendation for a Lamson. - the Liquid, remix and Guru S at 3 ascending price points are all good choice and suitable for all water including ocean fishing. I think my Liquid +7 was about $150. Spare spools are also reasonable and you just pop them off and push them on & virtually maintenance free. They are also much lighter than some reel such as the Islanders.
Not sure what model sage mine is as I'm at work but it's large arbor and has a great drag and has hauled in some hogs totally recommend checking out what they are offering
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I ended up going with what NileCreekFly shop recommended and went with the Alfa Arctic 5 for my saltwater reel. I still love the orvis battenkill click paws for the trout and smaller fish
For pinks and coho, honestly these fish are usually under 12lb and tire quickly. A clicker reel is more than fine if you can palm a reel or have a strong clicker.

Pinks can be landed easily on 4wt trout gear. With an 8wt and 12lb fluro you can horse these fish in with ease.

I usually fish coho on my 6wt, again with a reel that’s basically a line holder.

Yes, I do have a couple 8 and 9wts, spey gear too, and they have their place, and disc drag reels and sealed drags etc, but they are 💯 not needed. I only use the heavier rods when I’m tossing bigger flies or when the wind is up, or if I’m fishing the river where there’s current also contend with.

Chinook are another story, but 99% of the coho you’ll catch won’t need a disc drag, they tire themselves out with no real drag. Let them run. No one brags about a fish that didn’t get into the backing a few times :D

99% of fishing gear is designed to catch fishermen, not fish.

Consider the old timers that came to the pacific north west with cane rods and low tech reels and landed more and bigger fish of all species than most of us can imagine let along appreciate…

But enjoy the new toys you got! The more you get, eventually the less you realize you need, not that the shopping stops 😆

Im jealous. Sounds like a nice reel 👍