Fishing with friends during Covid?

It was only a guide line though it was never a law was my understanding. No one has shown me any difference.
Yep, sound advice, but I think the ticketing rumours were just a little embellishment. But hey, we’re fishermen.
It has always been "guidelines"
not Marshall Law!
If i can go to a wally world any day of week, and as many times as i want in that day, I'll be dammed if I cant go out in the boat with a family member that I trust is doing their part to stay healthy...
WTF are people thinking??!!
This rumor has been spinning around and around the Victoria and Sooke area. To date I have had NO confirmation from anyone that was actually issued a ticket. Also I work in government relating to matters on the ocean as well as have contacts in LE and other agencies and had there been such an order for enforcement I would have seen it in writing.

Finally I have been checked by RCMP on the water both near Victoria waterfront and near Pedder Bay area as well as passing the same RCMP boat while fishing (but not stopped). Once was with family and once with a fishing buddy. Both times RCMP were polite, professional and did NOT ask if everyone in my boat lived in the same house. They only did a check on my registration/boating safety equipment/licence etc. One of the checks was near the start of May before things were relaxed mid month.

There have been a rash thefts (some of my stuff was stolen last year) and it was this same RCMP marine unit that caught the thief.

To be clear RCMP are out there doing their jobs with respect to proper boating. They are NOT checking/issuing tickets for fishing with someone not in your house hold.

*** as a side note. The BC rules wouldn't not apply right away to Ocean fishing as that is federal government jurisdiction. Unless something is officially published or posted in NOTMAR or NOTSHIP etc there would be no way to legally ticket for it.