Fishing Lures


So we have booked our trip this summer and we are heading up to Qualicum Rivers Winter Harbour Resort at the end of June until July 9th… The problem is that we have never fishing Salmon off the west coast in many years and don't really have the lures to fish it. We have (3) 10'6 Convergence with Shimano GT4000 and (2) 9ft Trophy XL with Shimano GT4000. We have the boat set up with scotty electrics and 15lbs Downrigger balls.. so the final step is getting the terminal tackle and lures. Any recommendations?
Nope. Going up with my father... First time
Lots of anchovies/ green or purple heads, 6 ft + ties. Use a super betsy or purple onion flasher -OR no flasher and rig a dummy. Usual coyote ,silver horde spoons work. Have fun-Rob will help you out.
Sounds good! We are stopping at River sportsmen and some shops in Kelowna!
Trout Waters in Kelowna has more salmon stuff than before, but there are many better choices on the island. I was in Kelowna Canadian Tire today. They have about 10 different Yamashita hootchies that are good, and several colours of teaser heads. Their flashers and most things are too expensive. Pacific Net and Twine in Parksville/Coombs is only a few minutes off the highway. I live here and shop there every year.
Awesome I'll be sure to check it out!