ECVI French Creek/Nanoose

Hey fyfire, were you at Gerald? I walked the dog at Moorecroft yesterday and saw about 6 boats including the "No fish No pay" guy in the blue Hourston. BRS
Went to French Creek yesterday for a couple hours and no salmon. There were a couple other boats out there and they didn't get any fish either. Ran to Ballenas and released an undersize spring and a couple cod. Beauty day though, thanks Bushy. BRS
Landed a 17.5 and a 20lb spring off Gerald N.end, at 160 feet on a white Hoochie on the 7th. No seals thank goodness.
so whats there fish around out there now an everyone gone hushhh hushhhh in here lol heard of few hali hitting the dry land too hmmm what to believe try for myself i guess
Good to hear there are some fish around Brian.My buddies have been saying it was dead over here.I think im going to hit sockeye in the AM then try for some springs over here if i limit early.Were they deep?
Both fish @ 170. Purple Haze Glow with a pink skirt up the hooppa. Same as the Q river slayer. Good luck in the Canal.
Decided it was not worth hauling over to port for a couple soxs. Fished nanoose instead for a bit and found a few. Got to test the new spoon out and she works. The fish were feeding on both 4 inc herring and about 1 inch shrimp (krill?) which must be why the pink was a hot ticket.

Hey Kelly.What type of spoon is that you were trying? I also notice that it has a swivel at the top end. That should slow the presentation down a little I would think verses tying directly to the welded ring. Good job on the spring! Any size to it?
Todays fish and 15-20 this year have all only been between 10-16 lbs. Much smaller june average than the previous 2 years.The spoon is a zurtro produced in nanaimo and i helped create the color scheme on this one. It has a 1cm glow strip on the bottom of the white but its hard to see. I personally dont mind swivles at the top or find they hurt the action. Two fish today hit the spoon on the slow side of a turn.

Also landed this nice one today right after i told my buddy the seals had been leaving me alone all year.

From what I've read on past posts....Kelly loves green and white spoons;)

Was out yesterday for a few hours around Gerald...pretty dead. Did pickup one which was marginal size wise so it went back as it was a wild spring, 150' on 3.5 blue coyote spoon. Got pretty choppy in the afternoon with a very brisk SE wind.
MR i hit 2 at gerald around 7:30 but got impatient and moved at 9am. Apparently there was a good bite i missed at 9-10am. Fish are more spread out in depth and the bites are sporadic every day so best way to hit them is just putting in time. 120-180ft
Thanks Kelly that's good to know. I didn't get out until 2:30 in the afternoon. I had a minor leg repair to do. Have you noticed that there are a lot of juvenile lings around. Bodes well for down the road.
I remember this time last year, the fish were practically jumping in the boat. Is it that quiet out there or is just nobody talking?
There are solid numbers of fish around.They are moving around and the bites are sporadic which makes it tough.If your in the right place right time theres limits being caught.
Hey Kelly, I guess your'e back. I'm taking out some tourists from Ont on Mon so a report would be good, haven't fished on this side for a while. I'm thinkin maybe a run over to Sangster or maybe just Gerald/Ballenas or Winchelsea. Good Luck BRS
Hey Kelly, I guess your'e back. I'm taking out some tourists from Ont on Mon so a report would be good, haven't fished on this side for a while. I'm thinkin maybe a run over to Sangster or maybe just Gerald/Ballenas or Winchelsea. Good Luck BRS