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Nog: Have you got any in 3XL ?

Went and dug them out of storage... and...

Yup. Four of the XXXL size all in Gray. ;)

A good handful of larges in both colors and a few of all sizes except small including mediums and XXL.
Guess I'll go through and get up an accurate count. They way things are going, methinks the last of them will likely find Good Homes in rather short order...

Hey Nog.
put me down for a large and a 2xlarge please.pm me with cost and payment instructions.

Thanks. Ray
Apologies for not replying sooner here - had to run down to Naniamo yesterday to pick up a new scope, arrows and broadheads for my crossbow, as well as visiting with Buddies, so didn't even look at this machine...

Seems to still be some interest in the T's I see. I also had a handfull of PM's in this regard, so before anyone orders any more, give me a little time to go through and make certain I can supply those already requested. I'll shoot a PM to each that have made a request sometime later today, then post in a stand-alone thread what is left at that point.

Back at this one soon...

Cheers & Thanks,
Alrighty, Everyone who made a request on this post has been sent a PM and I am holding what you requested until I hear back from you.

Have a handful left, so will post those in a stand-alone thread. Not a lot left, so first come, first served.

Cheers & Thanks! the Missuz will love getting them out of the spare bedroom after all this time! LOL!