DFO Announces further SRKW Restrictions

So, when are the SRKW considered to be recovered?
That was copy and paste off the new document that was released yesterday.

I personally can't answer your question. It's only opinions at this point. It's like looking through several panes of glass trying to read between lines while rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time.

The whales are doing great. Everyone knows that. Yes they have had some health issues. They might continue to have these issues. The biggest issue is micro plastics. It's been proven. Look it up.
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yes its more likely that theses areas get turned into a permanent MPA then anything else.
yes its more likely that theses areas get turned into a permanent MPA then anything else.

If they get the fraser entrance from that 30ft mark into the 600s it's over boys. That will actually turn this place into pugent sound. We will never get it back. The port will condone that in the end. Wierd scale here boys
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Survey has been released by DFO. Link is below. I suggest everyone reading this and also posting do it. Our NGO friends (BIG LAUGH ON THAT ONE) will be coordinating to fill out with as many members as possible.

Subject: Provide Input on Recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures for 2023 through an Online Survey


Title: Provide Input on Recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures for 2023 through an Online Survey

Survey is out.

The Government of Canada would like to hear from you! On January 19th, 2023, an online survey was launched to seek feedback on the potential management measures to help the recovery of the of Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Since 2019, the Government of Canada has implemented a suite of measures each year to protect and further support the recovery of this iconic Pacific whale population. These measures address key threats to the recovery of this population, including reduced quantity and access to their prey, and increased noise and disturbance in their habitat.

Your ideas and feedback will help us refine the potential management measures and help us understand potential implications of the options being considered. As such, we invite you to review the potential management measure options for 2023, and submit your comments to help inform this year’s approach. The public survey is available on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website until February 19, 2023. Please use this link: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/fm-gp/srkw-eprs/2023-srkw-management-gestion-ers-eng.html to access the survey.

If there are any questions about the Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures, please contact DFO.SRKW-ERS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
I usually fill it out twice one from a work IP and one from the home IP. Fill it out once from the point of a concerned citizen that does not fish but worried about the costs to business and communities. the second time i fill it out from a recreationally fishermen's perspective.
I usually fill it out twice one from a work IP and one from the home IP. Fill it out once from the point of a concerned citizen that does not fish but worried about the costs to business and communities. the second time i fill it out from a recreationally fishermen's perspective.

That is good idea.
This is a horrible survey , how is everybody filling this out ??? i dont agree with option A or B . So if you agree to same as last year we think that is ok ?? then they will say we agree to these closures . Wish they had a 3rd option where we could state we dont agree to any closures and give reasons , whales are present turn off sonar , or leave area , this survey will hurt us and is leading us down path of know return
the only option is to put what you think in the comment boxes. Then a letter to the PMOs office

ENGOs will probably get over a thousand of their backers to fill it out
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Fortunately the survey does not force you to answer all questions to be able to submit.
I refuse to answer the questions where they ask you to choose between 2 evils. How about a option for none of the above?
I fill out the questions I can answer and leave notes that there is no proof that this is working and note the other issues that they should be addressing which would have positive effects on the wild salmon populations, support local economies and ultimately provide benefits to the whales.

There hasn't been a "commercial opening on the fraser river for 8 years. Maybe a chum fishery within the last 8 years but that's it. The FN food fishing on the fraser river has turned into a commercial fishery.

Leaders of the musquim band said and I quote " sport fishers are taking away our opportunity to fish for our food and teach our children, our traditions"

It was in the vancouver sun and on the news. This was 4 years ago? Somthing like that.

There hasn't been a "commercial opening on the fraser river for 8 years. Maybe a chum fishery within the last 8 years but that's it. The FN food fishing on the fraser river has turned into a commercial fishery.

Leaders of the musquim band said and I quote " sport fishers are taking away our opportunity to fish for our food and teach our children, our traditions"

It was in the vancouver sun and on the news. This was 4 years ago? Somthing like that.
How are sport fishers doing that? Sport fishers do not net the fraser. What a clown.
How are sport fishers doing that? Sport fishers do not net the fraser. What a clown.
I'll try and dig up that article. It's hard to dig up. It was on the news. They filmed the fleet at the sandheads and made it look to the public that sports fishing is sickening etc blah blah.
You know what I can't get past, is that we're allowed10 nooks per year. Who gives a crap when you go get them? I can understand the April may fishery in the fraser mouth because those are the early run upper fish that are probly the biggest conservation concern in that watershed, but they come early and in June there gone. Who who really cares when you bonk your 10 fish? It's greed.
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I'll try and dig up that article. It's hard to dig up. It was on the news. They filmed the fleet at the sandheads and made it look to the public that sports fishing is sickening etc blah blah.
It's the fight for the last fish...quite sad. The sport guys fish the mouth of the fraser for 2 to 3 weeks out of the entire year...while the river gets netted by FN starting in May.