Conservatives looking for input on economic stability



As posted on the

"Liberals are hoping the next election will come down to a two-party contest, between them and Stephen Harper's Conservatives.

As the strategist put it, Ignatieff intends to hammer away at a simple message: “If you vote NDP or Bloc to send Harper a message, you get Harper and he doesn't get the message. So, if you want to get rid of Harper, you have to vote Liberal.”

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are beginning an outreach of their own. Harper sent out a letter to his MPs on Saturday urging them to seek the advice of constituents on the best ways to move forward on the economy.

“We want to ensure that our government gets the views of hardworking Canadian families, small business owners, and workers on the economic policies that we should adopt as part of the next phase of the Economic Action Plan,” the letter states.

If Harper really wants his members to listen to constituants about economy from hardworking families, small business etc. then Duncan should be hearing loud and clear from residents of the North Island regarding how Tourism is the saviour of their small communities, and recreational Fishing is a huge part of this stability.
Aside from Oil, and a lesser degree Gas and Metals, Tourism has helped carry Western Canada through tough economics elsewhere. No doubt Tourism is still B.C.'s staple, and Duncan better open his eyes to this if he is going to actually dance to Harper's request.....IMO
