Commercial Fish Tote

If this is for your tuna trip from the other thread, on our trip - loins from 18 tuna fit in a 115 L igloo cooler and could had 20% more likely in there including ice. Salt ice is also available in westport at the docks.
Could be 2-4 guys in one truck on tuna trip to Westport.

Many not getting loined, as half are likely going to cannery. Well mine that is.

Do the math how many 150 quarts would we need vs one of these :)

I was actually told one of these would be suitable for 2-3 guys

Was as going to pack this for whole fish and a couple of 150's for loins and snacks.
Dont you loin them when you take them to the cannery?

I hope you guys have a good time...would love to try the live baiting...
I assume you're planning on taking them to a cannery up in BC - no? Last I heard, Merlino's seafood (the cannery in Westport) was full up and was not taking any more fish for canning. BTW - they will cark your tuna there but they are VERY expensive - $9/tuna. Also, they will vacuum pack but they charge by the pound and I think it's about $1.35/lb for vacuum packing. Someone who went out with me took their one (1, count-'em 1) fish over there to get it cleaned and vacuum packed. They paid about $23!
St Jeans charges by the can and you take them in whole.

I have found that you will need a 150 qt cooler per person if you're keeping them whole.

I have a half tote you could use but i'm quite a ways away from you
Any tuna to processors must be pre-frozen and head on... Food quality issues!!
Our tuna was $4 per fish to carc, well worth it. We averaged out at 18 tuna each in 1 day (of two day trip, but stopped early as boat was FULL). I'm not sure 150 L coolers would hold 18 fish whole, I think it would be alot more space required.

I canned on my own (first time) can get canner for $150 that will hold 20 pint jars - simple to do with the loins. Couple hours of time and 20 min effort - would can about 4 tuna worth of loins (15-16 loins).
The cannery will not accept any carced tuna,dropped off my tuna off at Saint Jeans after the shootout, they are so flooded with sockeye that they are also not accepting salmon that have no already been cleaned (gutted)
The cannery will not accept any carced tuna,dropped off my tuna off at Saint Jeans after the shootout, they are so flooded with sockeye that they are also not accepting salmon that have no already been cleaned (gutted)

Does that mean they want them whole?
Yup, head on guts in, i was told by the front counter lady ,no loin, or beheaded fish accepted, due to contamination risk in the plant

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