Looking for old camcorder


I am wanting to digitize my old mini DV tapes by transferring them to my computer. I have everything ready to go including the software and all the necessary firewire connections. Problem is, my Mac does not recognize my camcorder, but apparently, there are many out there that will. Wondering if anyone has one of these old camcorders, with charger, sitting in a closet somewhere that they would lend to me, or I could buy, so that I could complete the task. Many thanks. I assume one can send me an email from the forum.


  • tempImageil2Kik.jpg
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I have one, but it is also a Sony and that would be my guess on why they don't talk to each other! Sony had their own code that was a PITA to deal with and you had to buy their software to get it to work anything other than a Sony computer. If you want it, its yours. Let me know. I am about as far away as one can get from you, but we can discuss shipping if you are interested.

If you don't have any luck, check with Costco as they can convert almost anything.

