Browns Bay Derby rides needed/offered



Got room on your boat?
Need a ride?
Post your requests here.
Help ease your gas expenses and meet members from the forum!
What A Deal!

I'll be the first begger! (The spelling is correct)
Looking to hook up (pun intended) with boat that is dry, warm and able to put up with crew telling them what to use for gear, speed and location to fish. Must be adept in driving and mixing coffee and Baileys whilst attending four fish at a time while being instructed by crew.
Cleaning of fish is good, as is holding a spot in the line at the weigh in while crew is socializing is a definite asset.

What? No takers?

How about a sob story instead?
Sold my boat. Sold my charter business. Been fishing for Chums in Browns for seven years. Will supply the terminal gear and share gas expenses and will behave myself, for the most part.
One small caveat....have been known to launch the odd water balloon at other boats...what I lack in accuracy is made up in quantity.

Will resort to hijacking if need be!

I talked my way into getting out of school so the derby is a go again! I might have room but it will have to be a last minute thing.
I'll know in a week if I'm coming and how many I'm bringing...looks like right now it's me and one other, so there's definetely room for someone with your knowledge and aptitude for having fun. The boat's got full canvas enclosure and cabin heat...and catches fish.
I've never fished for chum.

If anyone else reads this, and thinks he's a *****...please warn me;)[8D].
when is the derby? If I can make it I will have room.
I'm here to beg a ride.

Non smoker don't drink when I fish reliable experienced yadda, yadda, yadda.;)

Carl Z
Vancouver BC

I will personally vouch for Paul, Blue Orca. He knows his stuff and is a pleasure to be around. He taught my crew, self included, how to fish for chum. Taught us well enough that we won first and third two years ago in the derby. Not meant to rub salt into those wounds Paul.

If my boat wasn't already full I'd welcome him aboard in an instant.

Check his pockets for bananas before he climbs onboard though. Also known to have spare downrigger belts, sometimes not belonging to him.

Kind words Baddog, but I DO know who the banana bandit really is.

My wife is now calling me a pirate s**t now,[:0] since seeing my posts..

Sure love Hourstons...LastChance, contact Wolf, I bet he'd come up with you too.

Welcome aboard BLueOrca, if you wanna come, I'm takin' my brother and father (retired troller and still calls 'em dogs). I have no idea how to fish for these devil fish.......Terry

Campbell River: Ex "Salmon Capital of the World".....I hope not
21' Monaro
OOOO...Love Monaros too!!!

Getting that sleezy feeling already.....eek[:0]

Thanks for all the offers, I will contact everyone by pm week of October 6th when I return from my Oilberta rotation (last one whoo hooo).

(I will hijack my own thread and say, hopefully, I will be able to tie up some gear to give away again this year.)
