Browns Bay Chum Derby

Booked and in again this year. Casper did you get to see that guy when he put on his Campbell River tie.
I laughed so hard my gut hurt. I liked his method of bonking his fish... with his fist.
Too much fun that year but as all things must end we sure saw a lot of cops on the water the year after.
Can someone post up a few photos from years gone by?
Could use a laugh or two as this site is getting stale.
Ya, we saw it that was when my buddy said it was time to go!!! We did hear there were cops out the following year but never did see any.
Booked and in again this year. Casper did you get to see that guy when he put on his Campbell River tie.
I laughed so hard my gut hurt. I liked his method of bonking his fish... with his fist.
Too much fun that year but as all things must end we sure saw a lot of cops on the water the year after.
Can someone post up a few photos from years gone by?
Could use a laugh or two as this site is getting stale.

No doubt about the stale commetn GLG. You have any pictures?
The best year was meeting Osama Bin Hopper and his lovely wife, Copper, My Escape and others that I can't remember at this time down at the fire pit at the point. Jeff brought out all those huge scallops and we cooked them on the fire and then watched Kevin back his truck up the hill and in to the ditch, and that was just the first night. .
Haha ha..
I remember that one..the good old days....LOL
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heres one from 2007?
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Great pic GLG. Is that you in the pic?

Sounds like a blast. Those chum are good on the barby, canned, and smoked. Great way to extend the season.:D
Yea you got good eyes there Sculpin that's me in the white boat behind the "chumdumpster" I'm wearning the blue jean rain coat and grey CB hat. You might not recognize me because I have sun glasses on.:p
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Be on the look out for pirates.
They have been known to come aboard and steal fish for their on board BBQ.

Got this photo from the SFBC most wanted list.
Anyone know this boat.

Priceless. Keep em coming GLG. Sounds like too much fun. Might have to redo my wiring on the trailer sooner than I thougt.

Any chum around?
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Look out for this guy he yells "purple haze" over and over at the top of his lungs.
Not sure what he means but it could be a flash back from the 70's

Wish I could find out what flasher he uses because it seems to work.
Ha ha. Awesome stuff GLG. Some could learn from you big time. Thanks for postin em:D.

FA do you have any past Chum derby pic's to share?
Heard this guy was so drunk he was going to walk back to camp to get more beer.
Lucky for him Captain Chaos grabbed the net and got him back into the boat.
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Best to leave the bumpers on your boat as fishing can get a little tight sometimes.
Don't want any more fights breaking out this year due to a scratch on the gelcoat.
Someone asked if there is fish there? Yea one or two maybe more. Not sure math was never my strong suit when i run out of fingers and I still have my CB boats on.


Bed time as i have a test fish in the morning at BB:cool:
Yes, Islandgirl those were the good old days. That was the best year we had up there. Are you going again this year? I don't think that we will be parked beside you this year as I have a new bigger boat and it won't fit on the that dock (hell the other one barely fit).
Has anyone heard a fish forecast for this years chum returns? And will DFO plan to have a opening around derby time.
Best to leave the bumpers on your boat as fishing can get a little tight sometimes.
Don't want any more fights breaking out this year due to a scratch on the gelcoat.

The boat on the left with Randy from Trailer Park Boys looks like there's water coming over the port side of the transom, is that an inflatable?