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Fricken hate poachers:mad:

Everyone should have these numbers on speed dial in their phone:

Posting pics of them online doesn’t shame them into changing their behaviour unfortunately. Take pictures and make a police report and call the numbers.

Earlier this week a dozen or more crab traps were stolen from 2 Marinas in False Creek. They cut the floats off but not the rope. There were more than 2 people involved wearing hoodies. What on earth someone needs with 12 crab traps is beyond me but they’re worthless on skid row.
one of my toddler children was giving his friends advice too often, so what have I told him to do was wait and see how long it took one of them to ask him for advice.
that's a great way to find out if your advice is valued or if you're just being annoying.
Speaking of poachers though, I was trolling at Iona this afternoon, when a 2-pound yelloweye rockfish went right into my kicker. I'm imagining somebody dumped it when they saw dfo
Nice day at sandheads but going solo did me in. 7 to the boat and all lost just as I dip the net. Found a school and just did wide turns . All at 65 lost 3 to 15 lb fulorcarbon leader breaking. What

You should be using 50 pound fluorocarbon leaders, definitely nothing under 30 pound leader for hoochie fishing. That would help you out with the breakage. Try it out.
Ok enough please! Too much negative energy and sanctimonious need to be right and have th last word.

What are people’s thoughts about the next few weeks of fishing? Please no political rants about the fisheries or anyone- just predictions!

The next few weeks of fishing will be good...for the Vancouver area I predict Coho will above average abundance based on this season’s bounty. Wild and Hatchery will be a nice bonus however wild will remain non retention.

For White Cap and Harrison Chinook I believe Cap will be strong and Harrison will be decent based on numbers of White Chinook already intercepted during the Sockeye fishery. Hopefully better than previous years.

There will be a final push of Red Chinooks in the next week.

Chums will be very abundant and above average.
Yep..I said that away all those Sox pics. More than enough for anyone.

Because 95% of a SRKW's diet is Chinook Salmon from May -Sept. Guess that's fake news eh High Tide?
All those individuals at UBC, UofW, UDFW, DFO and the Vancouver Aquarium are a bunch of wanks….that's what you believe...and I'll believe what I believe.

However SRKW's have been having a ball the last few days because they're eating something else other than Chinook for a few days.... so you're going to say Chinook aren't a problem...that's good logic....

It's also a 4 year cycle.... nice try at selective fact usage.

It used to be everyone griped about the Commercial Fishermen...they were the it's the Aboriginals...the Aboriginals are the problem and by your words every Aboriginal is out there to screw everyone. Racist much?

You're short on solutions and long on rhetoric.

You catch a few Sox and a couple of Chinook and all is right with your world and everyone else's life work is wrong?

Guess what...we can get rid of fish farms (part of the problem)...and we can restrict the Native Fisheries (we already do)...and we can limit commercial Chinook fisheries even more (not that that is the problem)… so WHAT exactly then is the problem? By your words Sportfishermen aren't the problem.... so...what is exactly the problem? Are you saying there is no problem?

There were 22900 Sox taken by sport fishers on the river the last 2 days ..and 490 Chinook....but hey...we're not the problem.... geez....let me rethink that.

In the salt there were 2000 Sox by Sport and 67 Chinook taken in the Fraser Banana in the last 2 days...of which probably 22 were misidentified WILD Coho by Sport Anglers.

There's some food for thought...but's all good eh?

I guess you like the daily limit of 1 Chinook...which easily could have been zero......but it doesn't matter to you...but you're going hunting and screw everyone else who likes to fish for something other than Sox...after September 7.

Give it a effing break buddy. You’re too much.
You should be using 50 pound fluorocarbon leaders, definitely nothing under 30 pound leader for hoochie fishing. That would help you out with the breakage. Try it out.
Thanks Fish Doc 50 lb seems thick. But will do 30 moving forward. Just took much frustration when you finally get a hit and have the line break. On ward and forward
Thanks Fish Doc 50 lb seems thick. But will do 30 moving forward. Just took much frustration when you finally get a hit and have the line break. On ward and forward
The heavy stiff line gives the hootchies better action fluorocarbon not needed in this fishery I'm using 60 lb as are all the commercial trollers limits every day we are out
Last Tuesday caught a Sockeye pretty much as far WNW of Tofino as anyone fishes, a ways offshore.

Don't know where he was headed (he didn't make it). If around to the fraser that seems like a long way to go so fish coming for a bit.

FM has always been that way. Well, actually, I think he's mellowed a bit. There is a separate politics category for all...
Are u Kidding me .... Is this the fish report thread or WT# , Did anyone get out fishing or are you all just sitting around your canners BSing ....Damn (feel better now ate a snickers but really )
Thanks Fish Doc 50 lb seems thick. But will do 30 moving forward. Just took much frustration when you finally get a hit and have the line break. On ward and forward
I've just been using 50 pound berkley big game leader much cheaper than fluorocarbon. Trust me use 50lb gives better action to the hoochies. We usually end up with limits or near limits. They are not line shy.
Fishing Report!

We started out this morning at sand heads at first light got one sock right away and then silence we worked shallow, and deep. finally the tide pushed a bunch of fish in we had non-stop action for about 5 hours lost a bunch missed a bunch of hits but ended with our daily with a boat limit of 12 fish. Most fish where deep 80 ft to 100Ft on the riggers. All fish where caught on purple kone zones with lime green turd hootchies (I'm kidding most fish where on green konezones with green flashers with pink hootchies) yes I have been working konezones all sockeye season and they are really working for us, fewer tangles running them instead of a bunch of flasher.
The heavy stiff line gives the hootchies better action fluorocarbon not needed in this fishery I'm using 60 lb as are all the commercial trollers limits every day we are out
If they are hooked well enough to get them to the boat, very good chance that a quick flip into the boat will be successful. My experience is that I lose less doing this than trying to net them and it is usually less mess. Especially when landing double and triple headers.
Fishing Report!

We started out this morning at sand heads at first light got one sock right away and then silence we worked shallow, and deep. finally the tide pushed a bunch of fish in we had non-stop action for about 5 hours lost a bunch missed a bunch of hits but ended with our daily with a boat limit of 12 fish. Most fish where deep 80 ft to 100Ft on the riggers. All fish where caught on purple kone zones with lime green turd hootchies (I'm kidding most fish where on green konezones with green flashers with pink hootchies) yes I have been working konezones all sockeye season and they are really working for us, fewer tangles running them instead of a bunch of flasher.
When it was nonstop how deep of water were you in
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