2013 Vancouver, Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast Fishing Reports Thread.

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Just back in.. Picked up the 15lber on the back side of Hutt 2 minutes after we set the gear on a irish cream spoon @ 90'.. did a few more tacks with nothing to show.. Moved over to hole in the wall and worked that area with 4 other boats for about and hour.. Pulled the gear and ran for the crab traps off Jericho which were stupid full... Picked and choose our limit.. Soild Day!!

"Teja" what type of boat you have??? Good on ya for making it out there.. I pulled the pin on the hump and ran for cover..

Thanks for the report,seems the fish are scattered .
"Teja" what type of boat you have??? Good on ya for making it out there.. I pulled the pin on the hump and ran for cover..

Gypsy King - I have a 27 ft Grady ...it normally likes the rough water but this a.m. it definitely bounced a bit more that usual on the way out as the waves were stacking up a bit by the Bell Buoy.
I dragged the gear around Curtis and south end of Hutt, nothing. I saw 1 other boat and he had nothing either. Spending the night in Plumpers and will try Hump tomorrow as today it was a bit snotty.
Gypsy King - I have a 27 ft Grady ...it normally likes the rough water but this a.m. it definitely bounced a bit more that usual on the way out as the waves were stacking up a bit by the Bell Buoy.

Beauty Rig Teja... Will see you out there.. Im in a 2152 Trophy Pro all white. Name - "Tangled Mess"
Upside down boat off atkinson?

When did you see that Trophy?,
It was pretty snotty for sure, I didn't see anything or hear anything on the radio hopefully just a stray and nobody onboard.
I just went out around 5:30 this afternoon to give the new ride a first shakedown, no rods just cruising, definately bumpy 3-1/2 to 4 footer with white caps cresting, I was running straight into them at 30+ mph
Boat performed great, even wifey was comfortable,
Hope to get back to posting some reports now, back out Monday with rods this time
pan pan was at 6:45.. was crabbin and heard it..
I must have just gone in and shut her down when it was called,
there was only 2 other boats I seen out there, 1 was a sailboat heading in and the other was a smaller speed/ski style boat in by ambleside, well hope they made it off ok.
Where's the pics and specs on the new rig Tim?

Hey Rob,
I was going to take a picture of it on the water when we launched and I guess I was so excited to get going I totally forgot, I have a trailer pic but that doesn't do it justice
It's a 05' Grady white 232 gulfstream
Twin 150 yammys, all the bells and whistles, I'll get an action shot of it on monday and post it up in the forum members boats thread
It's moored now so I'll be out lots
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Ya...thats a nice boat!!

On the related note of the Coast Guard....we were heading out on Friday out the river and the CG was out in a zodiac with a small, 10 footer, in tow coming up river from the chuck. I am pretty sure I saw a civilian on board the zodiac which lead me to believe this little Tinny tried to brave the open water and didn't fair so well. I don't even think I saw a motor, was this guy ROWING!?

Anyways, question is, where did this Coast Guard boat (20', 6 uniformed officers on board) come from??

I when spoke with the CG during my fuel problems in the river, they were based in Victoria. I am hoping there is a station closer than Victoria!
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Ya...thats a nice boat!!

On the related note of the Coast Guard....we were heading out on Friday out the river and the CG was out in a zodiac with a small, 10 footer, in tow coming up river from the chuck. I am pretty sure I saw a civilian on board the zodiac which lead me to believe this little Tinny tried to brave the open water and didn't fair so well. I don't even think I saw a motor, was this guy ROWING!?

Anyways, question is, where did this Coast Guard boat (20', 6 uniformed officers on board) come from??

I when spoke with the CG during my fuel problems in the river, they were based in Victoria. I am hoping there is a station closer than Victoria!

South side of Airport island. They have two zodiacs and two hovercraft stationed there. That is where all the local vancouver emergency response comes from since the closure of the kits base.
well to everyone who braved the hump we counted at least 9 other boats out there hope you got home all safe and sound....

we released one just undersize on bait as soon as we set the first line

then had problems with the wind getting up and gear getting tangled then had issue with the kicker ez steer bracket
so just dropped on to the main and headed slowly back in

bumpy ride both ways as getting it from side on heading back to Gibsons
should of stayed at grace....lol

oh well next time so much for wind finder. com ......joke site suppose to be clam /light then increasing late afternoon
well to everyone who braved the hump we counted at least 9 other boats out there hope you got home all safe and sound....

we released one just undersize on bait as soon as we set the first line

then had problems with the wind getting up and gear getting tangled then had issue with the kicker ez steer bracket
so just dropped on to the main and headed slowly back in

bumpy ride both ways as getting it from side on heading back to Gibsons
should of stayed at grace....lol

oh well next time so much for wind finder. com ......joke site suppose to be clam /light then increasing late afternoon

We have all had those days and making it back without losing gear or breaking is more important than a fish. Nasty day ,cold,rain and wind .
Went out the north arm first light, thought it would get nicer in deeper water, but didn't let up.
Turned back, went site seeing threw Richmond back to the launch for 10am. Wind, rain, hail, and a little sun.
It was really gusting out here in UBC earlier, but looking out from my deck towards Bell Buoy now it looks like its flattened out nicely. I can see a few boats working the bell as well as a few along the mile markers..
was rounding pt. Atkinson when a sail boat called it in...he dropped sail and motored back for a second look...they deemed it abandoned as there was growth forming on the top side, which was now under water, but i believe they still sent CG out to recover
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