Derby's Canuck emporium

You cannot build a modern team around those two.

You can BUT and this is a big BUT... they have to be the 2nd line now and move Kesler in as number 1 and bring in some fire power for him to play effectively all of this though is pending IF he wants to stay.....last few years near the deadline have done nothing to bolster the team in scoring you score and defense isn't as hard then as you play more relaxed and less worried.

GLAD Gillis is finally gone ... said that from day 1 ....

Can you imagine if they got Trevor Linden to be the GM?????? hhmmmmm
Just glad to see Gillis is not going to be in charge of the rebuild. His trading history is just awful. Really thought they were gojng to keep him and dump Torts. Gillis thinking they could just change the style of play and they had the personal to contend really showed how out of touch he was. Let's get on with it now, not waste another year staying with a core whos day has come and gone.
Was loving the fire gillis chants at the end of the game the other night..and apparently aquillini heard!! Awesome news, this made my day for sure. I think the sedins will stay but they should be 2nd or third liners. Build around kesler and give him some top players to play with and im sure we will see the best out of kesler as he has never had top players to play on a line with him. Will need a goalie as well as you cant rely on Lack as he is just a backup. Hopefully torts is next to go!!
I think if Kesler is willing to waive to go he should be moved. Let's not hang on not being able to contend until all our players have no value. Kesler will never be worth more than he is now. We're stuck with the Sedins for 4 more years, Burrows, Edler, Hansen, Garrison, etc. too as they have no trade value unless they rebound next year. Might as well get youth and prospects for Kesler, Higgins, Hamhuis, whoever and start fazing it in and moving vets out as we can. No point spending the next few years doing what Calgary did.
All of the no trade clauses that were given out in exchange for reasonable contracts are now coming back to bite us in the @$$.
So the new CanSuck's GM will be Trevor Linden. Nice guy but does he have what it takes? He certainly has his work cut out. From players to coach.
Heard a rumour mentioning Gretzky at one point. If it happened he could make his daughter gm. Could help big time in landing free agents.
At least there are two or three teams we beat in the West and even more in the east. We should have a respectable club in two or three years if we can get a good goalie.