sockeye fishing in port alberni

rook 2 are you for real?
Perhaps you could take it down a notch and reread your posts before you hit the submit button.
You are comming across as a nomind and I'm sure you don't want that.....

Rook2 has a few issues no doubt!
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rook 2 are you for real?
Perhaps you could take it down a notch and reread your posts before you hit the submit button.
You are comming across as a nomind and I'm sure you don't want that.....

hey glg,,what the f--k do you know about this,,i was up there a few weeks ago and that was the way it was then,,so who are you to tell me the way it is,,,why don't you just go check it out for yourself instead of slamming people on this thread?
hey glg,,what the f--k do you know about this,,i was up there a few weeks ago and that was the way it was then,,so who are you to tell me the way it is,,,why don't you just go check it out for yourself instead of slamming people on this thread?

Midol time!
hey glg,,what the f--k do you know about this,,i was up there a few weeks ago and that was the way it was then,,so who are you to tell me the way it is,,,why don't you just go check it out for yourself instead of slamming people on this thread?

I think the issue GLG had with your post was not about what others are doing, or the way it was this comment.
"why don't you try going up the river to snag a few,,just like the others are doing,,dfo is no where in sight,,seems pretty simple to me"
Maybe you meant it tongue in cheek that people not catching sox in the inlet should snag in the river? I thought the daily limit in the river (Papermill) was 2 per day? Did they increase it recently?'s still 2 sox per day in the river.

*Sockeye: Effective May 1, 2012 until further notice:

Area 23, Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet: four (4) sockeye per day, except for:
in that portion of Subarea 23-1 from the tidal boundary signs at Paper Mill Dam on the Somass River downstream to a line commencing at a boundary sign in upper Alberni Harbour situated at 49°14.19 north latitude and 124°50.23 west longitude thence through the southern most point of Hoik Island thence to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River thence due east to a boundary sign on the opposite shore: two (2) sockeye per day.
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hey glg,,what the f--k do you know about this,,i was up there a few weeks ago and that was the way it was then,,so who are you to tell me the way it is,,,why don't you just go check it out for yourself instead of slamming people on this thread?

First: You're running off at the mouth speaking nonsense. The limit at Papermill is 2 per day. Yes, there are indeed the odd offenders who return to take a second run at it, but there are eyes on them, and several have been busted already. Long range cameras are at work, and I expect to see a few more taken down as a consequence. Flossing is what it is - harvesting MUCH more than a "fishing" experience. DFO allows it, so regardless of your own point of view, it is considered legal.
Fowl language goes a long ways to make your point... NOT! Clean up the kiddie act laddie!
Oh, and how would I know this? I happen to live here, and have frequented the spot in question more than a handful of times this year, not simply wandering by once "a few weeks ago".

Don't usually reply to this type of drivel, but kinda felt I had to in this case...

What are the escapement numbers for 2012 so far?

Accounting to date:

The following tables summarizes the accounting to July 11, 2012:

TEST/Sp. USE 4,524
Maanulth 19,676
SOMASS FN 143,440
SPORT 14,611
COMM Gillnet 97,362
COMM Seine 75,200
TOTAL 350,288

GCL 122,086
SPL 153,083
TOTAL 275,169

The run abundance has tapered off somewhat, and I haven't seen the harvest projections for the coming week as a consequence. Will post when I do...

Found it:


First Nations
Tsu-ma-uss (Hupacasath, Tseshaht)-The First Nations reduced fishing effort due to high catch rate.
Gill-nets - Sunday noon to Tuesday noon 12 pm; 48 hours.
Communal Drag Seine - Papermill Dam Wednesday to Sunday 5 am to 12 pm.
Maanulth - The harvest plan includes contracting of designated Area D Gill-netters to harvest sockeye. These vessels will be displaying Maanulth identification flags.

Area D Gillnet - The fishery will open 6 pm Sunday July 15th to 4 am Friday July 20[SUP]th[/SUP] from Pocahontas to Hocking Point. The fishery will open from Sunday July 15[SUP]th[/SUP] to Friday July 20[SUP]th[/SUP] from Hocking Point to Polly Point for 14 hours daily from 2pm to 4am except for Sunday July 15th which will open at 6pm.

Area B Seine – The fishery will open Sunday July 15th 8 am to Thursday July 19th at 5pm from Pocahontas to Hocking Point. The fishery will open Sunday July 15th 10 am to Thursday July 19th at 5pm from Dunsmuir boundary to Polly Point. There will be a closed area for seines as agreed to by the Area 23 harvest committee. This area is subject to adjustment by the committee, depending on sockeye abundance in-season. The initial seine closed area will be bounded in the north by a line from Dunsmuir Point to a boundary sign north of the log booms near China Creek and, in the south by a line drawn from Hocking Point easterly to the opposite shore.

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Came home from the sound today, astounded to see commercial boats setting up..............................again.
I cannot sufficiently express my disappointment at the ruin of this fishery.
Who is kidding whom when we are offered a closed area - not enough get past the commercial nets to make the closed area productive, it is asinine.

Inlet sox are the best way that I know of to introduce noobs to fishing.
My favourite fishing is with family and friends, most of whom pale at the prospect of running out to the sound and thus don't.

Well, we came home with a lot of fish today, including one very unlucky hali taken near Swale, but I would trade it all for some opportunities at sockeye.

Anyone up for a petition, or some action that would give sport fishers even a chance for some sockeye?
Unless I am missing something we all have to band together and make something happen.
If I am missing something then please politely inform me - there are many others thinking like I am and we would all benefit from an explanation.

Good thing I have no pop in my skull right now, this could be a heck of a rant.

frustrated Smiley.
What you are missing is there was a deal done years back that gave commericial fisherman priority access to Sockeye. It is a commercail fish not a rec fish and the fact we get any opportuntiy to harvest them surprises me. This was the doing of the SFAB i think.... In return We are gving priority access over springs although in order to make that happen we also had to agree to the current 2 a day limit.

Well went out yesterday, managed to pick up two socks around Arden Crk early in the am. I think we spent more time reeling in mackerel than sitting!! We didn't see once school of socks on the sounder all day.... Heard a bite picked up around noon in the same area tho with good numbers.

Stopped and watch one seiner do a set, they wound up with two macs, and zero socks.......

Just curious as to whether fishing would have been improved at all even if the commercial fleet didn't fish? Is the fishery this year poor do to the weather or the commies, or both?? OR is the run not as large as estimated? With the river so high, the socks have just been pouring into the river in droves.
When the commies can't even catch all of their fish what does that tell you?

If the fish aren't there and that's why you can't catch them, that is one thing...but if the fish are there and you can't catch them that's another.

Can't blame anyone but mother nature boys no matter how much you may want goes on. Go catch some springs.
When the commies can't even catch all of their fish what does that tell you?

If the fish aren't there and that's why you can't catch them, that is one thing...but if the fish are there and you can't catch them that's another.

Can't blame anyone but mother nature boys no matter how much you may want goes on. Go catch some springs.

That's right. We'll just have to wait until next year.
hey ironnoggin,,i take it that you are a commie,,,i do not like netting of any fish anywhere,,only my opinion,,give the poor fish a chance
You prefer the gaff? Personally, I don't see that being any easier on the fish, hole in the head and all. To each there own tho.
hey ironnoggin,,i take it that you are a commie,,,i do not like netting of any fish anywhere,,only my opinion,,give the poor fish a chance
Not sure where Nog said anything, one way or the other about using a net.
All he did say, was that the poaching is being monitored, and that you have a potty mouth!
Maybe....if you saw what you say you saw, you maybe should have reported it.